Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wishing all of my amazing friends in the USA a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!


We celebrated our Thanksgiving in October...but I am Thankful each and every day...and I am so grateful to have met so many amazing blog really are amazing and I wish you and your families all the best as you celebrate Thanksgiving....

I am watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.....and celebrating along with you...minus the Turkey...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Everyday should be thanksgiving...we have so much to be grateful for.......


Unknown said...

ahhhhh thanks Sophia!!! I feel the same way!!!

Hope you're having a wonderful Holiday!!!

SaraLynnArt said...

This is one of the most beautiful turkey pieces I have seen! I love the textures and colors, and the way you've rendered the feathers is wonderful.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much SaraLynn!! You made my day with these kind words...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!

marianne said...

You are so right dear
One of the things I am grateful for is meeting you and being your friend

Nicola said...

Even though we don't celebrate it down under, Happy Thanks Giving!! Hope you have a great weekend, love the cute Turkey!!! :o)

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