Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Sketches and Sunday Postcard....Autumn is in the Air

autumn sunday sketches

I love this time of year....Autumn is the culmination of all the hard work we put in to grow wonderful things....the fruits of our to this also symbolizes all the work I have done this year with respect to my illustrations and my published work....It is time to celebrate and enjoy the colours and changes ahead! I purposely only posted the ink sketches....a juxtaposition on all the Autumnal colours out there right now...and today I plan on heading to see some of that colour...and some of the pumpkins that are harvested....

Happy Sunday...

You can also pop back all week as I share some new paintings and some new illustration work....

My submissions to Sunday Sketches this week and Sunday Postcard art....


Lori Saul said...

Lovely sketches to symbolize the season!

Heather said...

Hi Diana,
Your illustrations are a happy tribute to picking and falling leaves....i just know they will be gorgeous in color!!!
enjoy your sunday!

Lenora said...

autumn - such a cozy time of year = love the types of colours that will soon fill this we are sure. Our favorites are the bees and the maple leaves!

Marlene said...

These are fun fall sketches, I can see them all put together in different ways to make several different compositions.

Kristin Dudish said...

Your linework is great!

I hope you're enjoying your day :)

Jayne said...

Wonderful diana!!

LynnF said...

Outstanding work! So easy to get the idea across with the colors, but to do just ink sketches that give you a real feel for the theme takes a special talent...which you have in abundance!

Sally said...

Lovely autumn images.

Debbie said...

Your sketches have definitely caught the fall spirit! Wonderful job!

EVA said...

Autumn really is in the air!

Those are all great sketches! Makes me want to make a visit to the apple orchard!

Taluula said...

Lovely Autumn sketches Diana. Gorgeous.

lissa said...

I like the bee the most but they're all remind of autumn

Petra Tillmann said...

Great sketches!

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