Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone!!! ....time to reflect on 2009 and make some plans for 2010....

Hi Everyone....Wishing you all a wonderful last week in 2009....I can't believe how quickly time has flown by this year....and it has been a wonderful year....This week I will take some time to reflect on the year and see what I am most proud of....see what I would have changed or things I wanted to do but never had the time to ....I think taking the time to look at the past always helps us with our goals for the future.....I know one thing is for sure...I feel very blessed to have made so many wonderful friends through my blogging....sharing my art with you all over this last year has really inspired me and filled my thank you so much for your friendships and your kind words of encouragement and your feedback...I have grown as an artist because of you all...and I thank you from the heart.....

I hope that you enjoy these last few days of 2009 and reflect on the year with family and friends...

Happy 2010!!! and may you all be blessed with Health, Happiness and much success in the coming year.....

I am also submitting this to Three Muses this week....theme...something old ...something new....the old is the memories of 2009....and the new is the possibilities that 2010 may bring!!!

and also to Illustration Friday....theme "renewal" I love a whole new year ...full of fresh starts and renewed dreams and possibilities.....



Lori Saul said...

This is a lovely thoughtful piece Diana- perfect reflections for the turning of the year. Your art and blog is very inspirational and I am so glad to have discovered your wonderful art. Cheers to a creative and healthy New Year to you and your beautiful family!

Diane said...

Love the old/new theme, Diana. You are such a joy to visit & I have such warm thoughts of you & Cole. You were one of my very first blogging friends. Your art is amazing & so are you, my dear!
Love, Diane

Peter Breese said...

Nice! I think it is key to review the past for insight to the future - especially in art. Have a fantastic New Year celebration, be it big or small.

Eugen Caitaz said...

Hi Diana!!! You are very creative and tallent person!!! Wish you all the best in this New Year!!! :)

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Oh Diana my friend, I so agree with your wonderful and kind words posted here. It has been an amazing year indeed and it has been my great pleasure to become one of your blogger friends and fans!!! Your work is awesome and I know that 2010 is going to find you in so many more venues to show your awesome work!!! YOU should be so very proud of yourself cause I sure am!!! he he he he!! God bless and Happy New Year!

Manon said...

I'm thankful that I've met so many wonderful people also! I'm very grateful for your friendship Diana!
have a great New Year! Here's to a rockin' 2010

Renee said...

I like the picture Diana.

How was Christmas for our boy.

Love Renee xoxox

Unknown said...

Fantastic drawing Diana, well done. Love the colours and style of it. Great message too!

Terri Kahrs said...

Diana, this is an absolutely perfect entry for The Muses challenge! I sooo enjoy your artful, creative style and look forward to seeing more of your work in 2010. Happy, Happy New Year! Hugs, Terri

Janine said...

Hi Diana,
looking at all the wonderful homemade cookies on your table I am sure your christmas has been beautiful.
I love your cupcake- christmastree.
This is truely a sweet idea.
I wish you and your family a happy new year.

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Great interpretation. Happy new year to you.

WrightStuff said...

It's been lovely to meet you too - looking forward to sharing more art next year. All the best to you.

Diane said...

Thank you Diana for your comment on my blog. I love your interpetation of something old and something new--very creative!!

Sandy said...

Really really beautiful Diana. I love this pretty girl. Absolutely perfect.

Yvonne said...

Love the mirror image and the thought process, Diana!

Happy 2010!

Lynn Stevens said...

Wonderful interpetation of the theme with the mirror , you are so clever , Wishing you a Joyous New Year!

Anonymous said...

Such a juxtaposition of art style and texture, Diane. I know, I just commented to my husband last week that this holiday season, I feel rich in friendships and that is what makes ANY year a good year! :) Wonderful, thoughtful piece. I love the ornate frame you've used here, too. All the best to you in 2010!

Rosie said...

I love this piece Diana, and agree with you about 2009 and blogging. It has been a wonderful year and we've made strong friendships haven't we? Here's to 2010 and all the possibilities it can bring us!

Limarea said...

What a sweet and lovely piece! :)

Judy said...

Here's to a wonderful artful & blogging New Year filled with friendship & creativity, lovely piece, too, Diana!

Bella Sinclair said...

Yes! A time for reflection. And what a beautiful reflection you have. And thank you, sweetheart, for the delectable icing delight that I swiped from your cupcake tree. Yummm!

Thank you for being such a supportive friend, always bringing good cheer and love. Here's to an inspiration-filled and colorful 2010. More love, more laughter. xoxoxo!

indybev said...

What a lovely piece, and how perfect for our challenge. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us each week, Diana!

Betzie said...

Oh so so fabulous!!! I love the that old mirror and your artwork is perfect for it! So nice to meet you and hope to see you more in the New Year!!! xoxobetzie

VS said...

A very thoughtful piece for Old & New, what agreat drawing! Have a Wonderful & Happy New Year!!!

Eric Barclay said...

Wonderful illustration. Best wishes for the new year!

C. JoyBell C. said...

Dear Diana E,, at the dawn of this new horizon we have in front of us, I want to greet you and wish you all the beautiful things that your soul has to offer to you and to the world and I also wish for you all the blessings you desire, from up above!

May you have a very happy and prosperous New Year!


Martina said...

"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?"
That was my first thought when I saw your wonderful work, Diana.
Really great creation!
Happy new year to you and yours.

johanna said...

very clever!!! i hope 2010 will be as bright as she looks back from the mirror!

Edrian said...

Wishing for all your dreams to come true on 2010! Happy New Year!

Taluula said...

Beautiful and thoughtful Diana. May I wish you a healthy, happy, and artful new year.

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

So beautiful Diana. And very inspiring. Hope you have a very Happy New Year! And a very successful, inspiring, joyful and healthy 2010!

Lisa M Griffin said...

Happy New Year Diana! I hope it brings you much happiness and joy.

Eugen Caitaz said...

Yohohooo! Happy New Year!!! :)

Chrisy said...

I enjoyed looking at your unique fresh and uplifting...

Unknown said...

I wish you a happy, healthy and creative New Year Diana and hope you had a great Christmas!!

With Love,

Asghar Javed said...

Happy New Year

marianne said...

Hope your celebration was fun!
It is raining cats and dogs Vancoouver. I'll go home tonight and there is real cold predicted for a while so winter is waiting.

Hope 2010 brings you everything you want and may it be creative and happy

Love and hugs!

valerie walsh said...

WOW! you get lots of comments, girlie!!! I am loving your reflections, all of em ;) Happy 2010 Diana, for more and more shine in your life!

Ozstuff said...

Yes, your old and new illustration is fantastic and your words are thoughtful, heartfelt and so, so true. The Land of Blog is an amazing, friendly, generous place to be.
Happy New Year from Marie, melting away in the summer heat.

Elizabeth Golden said...

I just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year! I thought about you and your little one/Cole over the holidays, hoping you were all having a wonderful time. Your reflections piece is very touching. I find such wisdom in this post. Hoping for wonderful things for you and yours in this new year.

Ces Adorio said...

Diana, Happy New Year! You my dear, shall remain my sweetest, dearest Canadian blogger friend who I consider one among the first blog friends I have met. You have been a true sisterfriend from the very start. I appreciate your support, your sense of humor, your inspiration and your encouragement. I have enjoyed following your art journey and watching young handsome and brave Cole grow up. I will always think of you as my sisterfriends. Happy new year!

josh pincus is crying said...

Another beautiful piece of illustration! I hope 2010 is a great year for you.

Let's see how far into the year I can go before I insult you. Last year, I made it all the way to December.

Your pal across the internet,

MrBibleHead said...

Happy New Year Diana! Thanks for allowing us to follow along on your artistic journey. You have a great blog and I'm looking forward to the creative things you have in store for 2010.

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