I have really enjoyed meeting all of you and am grateful for your wonderful friendships...I look forward to meeting more of you and sharing in our daily lives.......so on with the latest MMM challenge.....this week's theme is to create using your least favorite colour...and I have an issue...I love every colour...the more the merrier....then there are shades and tints and I love them all too....and I know that white isn't a colour...but I love to use it in my home...but when I illustrate I can never just use black and white....so I created this special clown for you all...since I was always the class clown...lol....and created him in black and white for MMM and then added my version of him in colour.....hope you have a wonderful week!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Diana.
Love and huge hugs to you and Cole.
Really great work! Very cool!
Happy New Year 2010.
I love your white clown but I have to admit that the brilliant colours of the second version gave me a real buzz.
Wonderful work, Diane!!
Gorgeous clown Diana!! I love colour too and the colourful one has to be my favourite!
He's adorable in bk & wh or in full color, great job!
I looove your clown! he is great in black and white AND in color! great work!
LOL about the class clown..I wouldn't have thought that of you..you are gorgeous..I'd of thought of you as the prom queen!
Cute clown..always sweet to have a fun side!
Oh wow this is lovely.
So awesome and colorful clown. Love them.
Yes I love all colors too ;)
Both are nice but with colors everything is so much more fun!
Glad you had a wonderful christmas
Beautiful post Diana! Just like what you created
Diana, I've so enjoyed "meeting" you and your art too :-) I would have to agree that white would have to be your least favourite colour. It's easy to see - your clown is cute in white, but absolutely adorable in his bright colours! Diane
Well, I love both versions of your clown :) Very sweet!
first i only saw your b/w clown and my first thought was: after the challenge she will color it;)
then i scrolled down - lol - that´s what i expected from you! it turned out fantastic, diana!!
Its lovely
Like you, color gives me energy and makes me happy. So, I also picked white this week. I love both your clowns and the fact that you WERE the class clown. Who would've guessed????
Fantastic piece, Diana!
Happy New Year 2010 to you.
Oh, I too, feel that same way! Black and white depresses me!!! When Somerset had their black and white issue a few months ago, I couldn't look at it for more than a minute. I NEED color in my life, and the more the better!!! Happy to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas. Hugs, Terri
Your clown painting is so gorgeous, Diana. I will admit that the colorful one really grabs me! It is so beautiful.
Oh my gosh...what a little color can do. So glad you posted both pics. I lovew black & white but I have to say, the color really makes it pop. Beautiful work, as always! Hugs, Diane
so vibrant just like you.
He looks so much happier with a bit of colour. I love the thought of you feeling all funny about leaving him black & white. You keep splashing the colour about - you do such a good job!
I love both clowns, but the vibrant one says "Diana drew me!" like no other clown ever could!
Happy New Year!!
Oh! I love it! I agree that he does look so much more animated in color - and I am with you - the more color the better!
Happy New Year to you and your family,
Kristin :)
A belated Merry Christmas Diana, and I hope and pray for a blessed New Year for you and your loved ones.
Both are fantastic!
hi diana!
oh he is wonderful!
you always create such wonderful, creative pieces for the challenges each week!
I looked at the black and white before reading the entire post, and thought, that's SO odd. Of course your least favorite color would be black and white! That must have been so difficult for you to do. Your beautiful spirit just oozes out of every pore, onto your beautiful, colorful art! I can't wait to watch Cole develop as an artist. Wishing you a Happy New Year...may you be blessed with a new baby. Actually, a dozen...we need more Diana's and Cole's in the world! **kisskiss** Deb
You are right about Black and White. Seems incomplete to me! I love the color piece, so vibrant!
Hope you and your family have a very Happy New Year! Here's to sharing our work and all of the artistic possibilities 2010 can give us!
Wonderful. Love the bright colours.
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