Friday, August 22, 2014

PPF ....Have an amazing weekend everyone!!!

Hello Everyone....I have been having way too much fun with my Arbonne Business and some commissions and creating in the kitchen I am sharing an itty bitty teeny tiny painting I did and a little quote piece too!!!

A 5 minute itty bitty bird painting that measures 2 inches x 2 inches

Happy PPF and Happy Creating Everyone....

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Unknown said...

I lover your itty bitty birdie.Lovely colours and that quote is wonderful.Gratitude indeed is or at least should be contagious.

Carol said...

OH! OH! OH! That little bird is so sweet ♥ Love it ♥

Linda Kunsman said...

so glad to hear your business venture is going well Diana!! Love the gratitude painting ....and your birdie-an absolute delight!

Netty said...

Love the bird Diana. Happy PPF, Annette x

Cindy D. said...

Adorable tiny bird! 2x2?! Hard to believe it is so tiny! I really like your layers of red flowers on the chalkboard too. :)

Giggles said...

Wonderful bird...and you are so right about gratitude!

Hugs Giggles

Irene Rafael said...

Congratulations on your business venture. The 5 minute bird is charming. Have a lovely week.

DVArtist said...

Wow well done. So much detail with this small painting. I am so impressed with it.

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