Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sharing some sketches from a packaging project I worked on...

Hello Everyone....

So happy you popped by to say hello....I am so excited to share some work I did with an amazing Company in Australia....The Company is called Spit the Pip and they contacted me to work on some art for their package designs....This project was near and dear to my heart as I am an avid Gardener and love sharing Gardening with Children....

They were a pleasure to work for and I love each and every one of the illustrations I created for this project....I was so excited to get this package in the mail this week....(as an Illustrator we often get amazing gifts in the mail....months after we have worked on a project....and this was like Christmas all over again for me....) I almost forgot all about this and then this amazing package arrived ....

I am sharing this with all of you and also linking up with Sunday Sketches....super excited about all of these sketches and had to share them with you all....

Please note that all artwork is now ©Spit the Pip....only my photos are ©Diana Evans

I also have some new work to tell you all be sure to pop back and join me on my creative journey!!!

Happy Sunday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!


Janice Kay Schaub said...

Thats wonderful. Wish I could do that. You must have a great imagination.

Christine said...

You are so inspiring Diana, happy to hear your wonderful news!

WrightStuff said...

Congratulations - your work looks just perfect in that book.

Zue said...

Such a clever project and congratulations...wonderful work!

Kays Kids said...

What a great commission you did. I love your art for it so much.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Great work :)
Enjoy your Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I'm always interested in the person behind the graphics in products, you did a beautiful job!

wednesday said...

What a great project. Your illustrations make it so accessible for kids.

Deborah said...

So cute and very very interesting! See Diana grow . . .

Lynn Cohen said...

How exciting! So happy for you! Your project looks terrific!!! Bravo!

Anne Manda said...

Awesome project, love it! Your sketches here look so wonderful, congratulations! <3

Unknown said...

Fabulous work... :)

Alexiev said...

That good parcel. How nice to get that at home.

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Proyectos - Illustrations
Alexiev Store - venta de originales
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Mirame en Art Attack de nuevo

Linda E. Pruitt said...

Love that the art is line drawings. Kids love that, and it gives them the urge to color it in! Lovely project!

Tracey FK said...

Your work complements it all so perfectly... these would be a winner in any store... you did an amazing job...xx

Unknown said...

love it! yeah for the Aussies for hiring huh?

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