Friday, February 15, 2013

Paint Party Friday....Custom Ink and Watercolour

Hi Everyone.... Wonderful to have you here again this week...I thought I would share another custom painting I did for a special client....this piece was so much fun to work on and I hope she loves this as much as I loved creating it....

This piece is ink and watercolour and I love this is one of my favorite ways to create custom work......If you would like something custom created for you....I would love to work on it....

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and Night....and I look forward to seeing what you all have been working on....

Wishing you a wonderful day!!!

Happy PPF and Happy Creating Everyone....


Gloria j Zucaro said...

This is wonderful, Diana. Such good drawing skills you have! The colors are so smooth, too. Very Nice.

Ayala Art said...

She will love it. Looks so dreamy :o)

Tracey FK said...

I was just admiring this on your facebook page... sure the recipient will be thrilled with this... xx

Lynn Cohen said...

No doubt she will love it! HPPF!

Giggles said...

Beautiful job Diana! Love it!No doubt the client with too!!

Hugs Giggles

denthe said...

I'm sure your customer will love it! great work!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Your client will LOVE THIS. I really like the style and how you have used the ink. HPPF!

Rosie said...

Wow, Diana, your painting is brilliant. Happy PPF

Have a lovely weekend

Kokopelli said...

Love that painting! Happy PPF!

Abela said...

Wonderful work and very original, I love it. Saludos

Netty said...

Beautiful artwork Diana and am sure your customer was thrilled to bits with it. Happy PPF, Annette x

JKW said...

This is a wonderful painting. I can feel her character in it. Blessings, Janet PPF

Marji said...

No question she will love this! Beautifully done.

PaintingWrite said...

what a lovely piece. am sure she'll be delighted with it.

Mary C. Nasser said...

What a sweet portrait, Diana!
Really lovely!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Helen Campbell said...

Beautiful painting, Diana! Happy PPF!

Ivy said...

This is gorgeous Diana! HPPF!

Tammie Lee said...

such a happy painting!

Unknown said...

So much tenderness here. Happy PPF!

Faye said...

Gorgeous, Diana. Love the portrait. You are so talented.

Joy Murray said...

Great job -- the shadowy line is very compelling. Love the muted tones with intense color here and there.

Silke Powers said...

That is so beautiful, Diana! I love your watercolor work. Actually I love all of your work!! Hope you are doing great! Hugs, Silke

Anne Manda said...

Lovely portrait with a great feeling, beautifully done! <3

Janice Kay Schaub said...

beautiful. I look at other peoples work and always want to do it their way............I am still looking for my "style" like everything else in y life it has to be complicated

EVA said...

Fabulous painting! You really captured her joy and love for her horse so well.

Carla Burke said...

I am the blessed recipient of this beautiful piece of art!! Diana is the most wonderful artist I have ever met in my life! Her work far surpasses my expectations! Thanks Diana! Hugs))))) Carla

Carla Burke said...

I am the lucky recipient of this beautiful artwork! Diana is the most amazing, talented artist I ever met and I am blessed to know her! When I saw this painting it literally took my breath away. Thanks so much Diana!!! Hugs)))))) Carla

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