Monday, October 22, 2012

Freebie recipe for Butter Tarts that are scrumptious!

Hi is a new recipe card for you all to keep and enjoy. This recipe was so good I totally killed my diet....I ended up eating three of these tarts yesterday....yes that is how good they with a latte...another one just to make sure they were good....and a third one with two ice cold glasses of worth it and delish.....oh and if you don't happen to have maple syrup...I did substitute my Aunt Jemima syrup once and it worked out just fine!!!

In case you missed my photos here they are again....but in the meantime you can click on the photo above and see it full size and download your copy of this recipe for my Freebie Monday....

Have a super amazing Monday and when you make sure you are on an off day of your diet!!!

Happy Monday and Happy Creating Everyone..........


martinealison said...

Ma très chère Diana,
Tu es une grande tentatrice avec ces petites tartelettes !... Comment ne pas avoir envie de les croquer ?...
Tes petites illustrations sont tout aussi adorables.
Gros bisous

Janine said...

your recipe cards are awesome, youshould make a book out of this

Michaele Razi said...

YUMMY! You had me at "butter". Thanks for this!

Unknown said...

so thrilled you all popped in!!! enjoy the recipe...I love these tarts!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a mouth-watering recipe. Perfect for the holidays :)

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