Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finally back....a great weekend and then I got feeling all better......

Hi Everyone....

It is hard to believe that I have been away from my blog for a few was initially away for the weekend.....up North where you can find snow!!!! We had so much fun doing all kinds of great things in the was perfect.....and then unfortunately I got really sick when I got back and have not done much of anything but sleep and drink I am finally back to my normal self and I just made it back to the Studio....I feel so  much better today and being back is great.....I look forward to seeing what you all created while I was away from blogland....

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!! and Happy Creating!!!!


Netty said...

Am sorry to hear you were ill Diana but glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
These are wonderful photos and can see everyone enjoyed themselves. Annette x

Anonymous said...

yes I'm sorry to hear you were ill as well, glad you're feeling better.
Beautiful weekend shots,

Unknown said...

Welcome back, Diana!!! What a great place for your holidays!!

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