Hi Everyone....Today is all about being grateful...I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy taking care of our son Cole...and every day he comes to me and wants to paint and create warms my heart. I am grateful for being a Mom and grateful for each and every day I get to spend with my family. Cole's latest project is painting his wooden birdhouse....he is amazing with paint and his abstract style...I always have to bite my
tongue and let him do what he wants....but sometimes I tell him how to hold the brush and how to use it ...and he always amazes me with his work....

I love the concentration in his face and I see he takes after his Uncle...my brother Ignatius...with the tongue sticking out...
finished this piece and then I told his to add brush strokes around the sides...and he did...I am ever so proud of him....He also has started drawing with me...so I draw something in steps and then he copies each of my steps...I am very impressed...he will have to get his own blog soon!!!

I am also grateful for little things ....like can you imagine I still have roses blooming and we are well into November....wow!!!
I am also grateful for the wonderful blog friends I have met...you all are a part of what we do each and every day and I really enjoy hearing from you and visiting your blogs too....I met an amazing artist friend through blogging....Her name is
Manon Doyle and you can check out her
blog and her
website....her work is filled with passion and emotion and it is breathtaking. She sent me a bunch of her art cards...and I love them...like
miniature works of art they will find a new home in my studio where I can be grateful for friendships and be inspired to create....
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
That bird house is amazing! Cole has such a sense for color - amazing really!!
I love Manon and her passionate art! Wonderful!!
Hugs, Silke
That bird house is amazing! Cole has such a sense for color - amazing really!!
I love Manon and her passionate art! Wonderful!!
Hugs, Silke
Oh Diana, look at you letting Cole paint while sitting on your WHITE chair!!! What a good Mommy you are. May God bless you with an abundance of beautiful little ones just like Cole. **blows kisses** Deb
He is such a doll Diana and certainly takes after you in his creativity.
Oh my goodness ~ so, so cute!!! I think that Kendra is about the same age (newly 4) and these are my favorite moments too: I love that you are teaching him to be creative and love is own work. I think that it's one of our most important jobs! Thank you for your Jpeg suggestion for sharing postcards too. I tried to post my first one and hopefully it worked! Beautiful work this week - love your 3 muses Keys especially! Kristin :)
Mr. Cole you are amazing and your bird house is super fantastic.
Diana, I too love Manon, she is one of the most caring and sincere women on the blogs.
Love Renee xoxo
aww... he looks so serious about his project! too cute.
Cole melts my heart every time!
Thanks for sharing a link to Manon! She's wonderful!
Hey Diana!!
First of all... Cole is such a doll! It looks like he may have his mother's artistic talent!!
Wow!! Thank you so much for your kind words!! I'm sooo happy you like my cards. You were my first Canadian blogger friend and to think I only lived an hour from you a few years ago!! We could have had a blast! Anyway... I'm also very grateful for your friendship!!
Uhm! Kiss kiss that handsome boy's head of lovely wavy hair. Cole is the darling boy of the blogs. He is soo cute and handsome. YES!
ok really? could he be any cuter? nope, don't think so. This is an amazing post!
Diana E...first of all...your son is gorgeous!!! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!
I also am so proud of my own son when he expresses himself through art. He's also an abstract artist. He thinks out-of-the-box and never seen anything exactly. He sees art class as a way to express himself, his spirit. Unfortunately, his art teacher thinks that art is following rules (something which I have already take up with her! grrr!)
Art is self-expression and a process of spiritual growth, I believe.
My mother is an AMAZING painter and artist! Her specialty is the human face!
I think artists and writers are soooo proud of our children when we see them pick up a paintbrush and paint something, or pick up a pen and write a story...it's just so fulfilling! :)
Hi Diana,
What a lovely post ~ beautiful, clever little Cole and such a darling with his little tongue out!
The birdhouse is lovely and yes, he will need his own blog soon.
Your rose is beautiful ~ I had my first pink David Austin rose out.
Always such a delight.
Lovely to see Manon's lovely work.
Happy weekend
oh my gosh diana and cole!
the birdhouse is absolutely amamzing!
all i can say is wow!
m & e
Your son takes after you...an artist at heart!! Wonderful
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