Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wishing my Sweetie a Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Brad

Wishing my amazing Husband a wonderful Birthday today...He is the most supportive and sweetest man I have ever met....I thank him for letting me live my dreams each and every day and I feel blessed to share my life with him and our sweet son Cole......He taught me how to appreciate special little things around us...and I am grateful that Cole and I learn from him each and every day.....Cole and I made him a super special Birthday cake Tiramisu style for his party tonight!!! and have some more fun plans for him this weekend!!!!

July 1st weekend 229

Cole made a special illustration for Daddy for his Birthday...and what else would it be....but Daddy's boat....I love his work and we can't wait to celebrate today and all weekend with Daddy!!!!

Happy Birthday Brad2

and here is a special piece for Daddy...all about him and his love of water skiing!

Brad skiing

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday to your husband!What a great post.I enjoyed this so much!

Netty said...

Thank you for sharing your dear husband's birthday with us and that wonderful cake and the brilliant card by Cole. Have a terrific time together this week. Annette x

Deborah said...

Happy Happy Birthday Brad! OMGoodness that Tiramisu!! I just drooled all over my keyboard. Look at Cole's art progressing more and more. What a beautiful family you have, Diana, and a beautiful life you are making.
**kisses** Deb

Cathy Bueti said...

Diana I took one look at that cake and knew it had to be tiramisu!!! Looks amazing! Happy Birthday to your hubby!! Love the pics and the art!

Have a great weekend celebrating!! :)

Geckostone said...

May I have a piece of cake too? It looks toooooo yummy!!! Cole's drawing is wonderful and your painting of your sweetheart came out great!!!I love your art especially the childrens book illustrations, sooo cool!!! Hope you all have a great celebration!!!Deb

Terri Kahrs said...

What a fabulous Birthday celebration you have planned for your special guy!!! Happy Birthday to your Husband, Diana!!! He's going to LOVE his gifts (and that yummy cake too!)!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

martinealison said...

Un amoureux et un papa comblé en ce jour particulier... Bon anniversaire à vous... Que cette journée soit merveilleuse à vous trois.
Gros bisous ma chère Diana.

Draffin Bears said...

Happy Birthday to your husband Diana and wishing you great celebrations.
Love Coles artwork with you all in the boat, and your gorgeous bees.
The tiramisu looks scrumptious.

Enjoy the birthday!

Michaele Razi said...

Awww...So sweet! That cake looks so GOOD!

The Constant Complainer said...

What a nice post. I hope you had a great birthday celebration. The card your son made was very cute too.

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