Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our Amazing Canada Day long weekend....Sunday Sketches...and Happy July 4th to our neighbors to the South of us!

July 1st weekend 159

July 1st weekend 104

Hi Everyone!!!! We just got back from 4 days away at our family cottages....we had so much fun celebrating family friends and Canada's was wonderful to enjoy gorgeous weather with amazing scenery.....and get to share it with our families....

so today I am sharing some fun photos from the weekend......
July 1st weekend 102b
Cole ready for the road trip to the cottage....and below my favorite wine from Chile....
July 1st weekend 111

July 1st weekend 106

the two men in my life.....
July 1st weekend 117
Sangria Sister in law made it and it was so so good!!!
July 1st weekend 315

July 1st weekend 137

July 1st weekend 170

July 1st weekend 120

July 1st weekend 153
my sweetheart looking all cool as he takes off skiing!!!
July 1st weekend 229
nothing like cooking on wood....the fun and flavor can't be beat.....
July 1st weekend 199

July 1st weekend 195

July 1st weekend 211
my Sweetheart comes in with a splash.....
July 1st weekend 240

July 1st weekend 384

We also welcomed the Newlyweds....William and Kate to our amazing country where they were greeted by hundreds of thousands of amazing people......I think I will have to do a special painting for them.....Click on the photo to head to the photo gallery of their tour so far....


and last but not least.... a special Sunday Sketch wishing our neighbors in the USA a Happy July 4th!!!!

July 4th

July 4th 2011


martinealison said...

Bonjour Diana,
De très belles photos remplies de très grandes émotions... Tu vis dans une région superbe...
Tu as passé un long week-end certainement merveilleux entourée par les tiens...
J'adore ta dernière illustration avec cette petite miss souris ou petit "rat" de l'opéra qui fête sa joie...
Gros bisous à toi...

Unknown said...

Hi Diana,
Wonderful photos...looks amazing. that water looks so clear... thanks for sharing.. Love your paintings at the end too...

Cathy Bueti said...

Sounds like an amazing weekend Diana!! Wow! Your photos are so great!! Thanks for sharing your weekend with us! :)

Christine said...

what a lovely post Diana, enjoyed all your photos and your fabulous Sunday Sketch. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to try that wine. Cole's such a cutie.

Marlene said...

The scenery is beautiful, that is a lovely place for sure. Your little guy is adorable! Thank you for the painting wishing U.S. a Happy Birthday, that is very sweet.

Debbie said...

Looks like you had a wonderful weekend and i loved your sketch! Your son is such a cutie!

Unknown said...

Thanks Cathy! Thanks Christine and Thanks Debbie.....we always have a blast when we get together!!!! Fun to enjoy the cottage.....

Hope you all had and have a wonderful long weekend!

Joni Nickrent said...

Looks like a perfect weekend celebration! Love the little mouse in the red, white and blue! Happy Sunday Sketches too!

Unknown said...

Thanks Joni!!!!!

I can only imagine the cute art you created this week!!!! Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!

Tammie Lee said...

it looks like you had a wonderful time. your photos are so alive and colorful, beauty! and your painting is cute as can be.

Unknown said...

Thanks Tammie!!!!! Means a lot from a photography expert like you!!!!! Happy July 4th!!!!!!!!!

Michaele Razi said...

Wonderful! Goodness the weather and surrounding looked so inviting. I want to be there! Happy belated Canada's Birthday! And thanks for wishing us neighbors a happy 4th. And as Americans, we're going to blow some s*** up. Kidding!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Looks like you had a wonderful holiday away with your family and was great to see your beautiful photographs. It is a gorgeous place where your Family cottage is, looks so tranquil near the water.

Happy week

Crystal said...

Amazing photos! :-)

lissa said...

what a cute mouse! I like her tutu's
have a lovely day.

Heather said...

great photos! thanks for sharing them with us. you take great photos....yummy sangria. what a great place to spend time!!

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