Friday, July 22, 2011

Paint Party Friday.....look what we caught in the garden......


We found a nest of sweet little bunnies in our Boxwood Garden.....and they were so so cute!!! They inspired this watercolor and ink painting that I am sharing with you for PPF this week!!!

bunny 2

bunny 3

We are hoping that the weather cools off around has been record hot!!! Even our pool is 95 degrees....

and some rain would be nice too!!!

Happy Friday!!!!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. I'm clearly a bunny fan, so probably a little biased....but your painting, and the little photos are the cutest things EVER! How I wish there were baby bunnies in my garden!

Jenn said...

Those bunnies are so adorable and cuddly looking!! Love your inspired bunny and its little heart shaped nose! :)

GlorV1 said...

I love rabbits and I think your bunny watercolor is so cute. I love the blue eyes and red lips. Tee hee.:)) Nice work Diana. Happy PPF, keep on rocking! It's hot over here too and we don't have a pool.:(

Nicola said...

oh wow! What a cutie I love it's little heart shaped nose soooo very cute!! Lovely piece Diana!

Anonymous said...

aww what a lovely post =] and the painting is very sweet ^-^

Hybrid J said...

What a cutie pie! Adorable artwork!

Helen said...

Such cute bunnies and a great sketch too.

Netty said...

Loving your cute bunny and the great photographs. Have a smashing weekend Diana. Happy PPF, Annette x

Unknown said...

Oh so cute-and you did a wonderful job with his eyes. I love baby animals; they are just precious!
Happy PPF,

Geckostone said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, so adorable!!! Happy PPF!!!

SHERI COOK said...

What a darling little piece inspired by that adorable baby bunny! HAPPY PPF!

Theresa Plas said...

Adorable - love the lil heart nose on your bunny and the photos are precious!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

How cute! Both the real and the painted bunny. :)

Abela said...

Cute bunny with his mouth at heart ... Saludos

EVA said...

Wonderful painting! I saw a bunny crossing the road yesterday. He just stood there awhile - I think he must have been checking for my cat.

Anonymous said...

aw these bunnies are soooo cute - both the real ones and your gorgeous little illustrated one!

Isn't it funny how we're all wishing for different things weatherwise - we're here endlessly wishing summer would actually put in an appearance so we could turn the heating off at home and leave the umbrellas behind!

carlarey said...

Is there anything sweeter than a baby bunny? Don't think so.
Your painting is wonderful.

Denise Mulligan said...

Bunny Love! Cute painting!

Geri said...

So adorable - I don't think you've joined up to artsee bloggers yet. Hope you'll have a peek

Kristin Dudish said...

Awww - such sweetness! I love the heart nose in your painting! Both the painting and the photos are fabulous :)


A'n'G Johnson said...

bunnies! they are my favorite and get the same reaction now as they did when I was 3 years old! haha.
they are just too cute. I love that you painted portraits for them to hang in their bunny homes

marianne said...

Oh how cute is that!!!!!!!
Aren't you tempted to keep one......?
I am so behind blogging I saw some of your latest posts. Saw Cole and Brad had their birthdays. My of my and all your wonderful art!!!!!
Hope to become a better blogger soon but I have been so busy and will this entire summer......
Keep it cool dear♥

martinealison said...

Comme il est choux ce petit lapin! Je comprends qu'il t'ait inspiré une si belle aquarelle... Il avait sans doute envie de se faire tirer le portrait par une talentueuse artiste!
Gros bisous ma chère amie.

SaraLynnArt said...

Oh, how sweet! The drawing and the real bunny are both so adorable. This post definitely made me smile. :)

Cre8tiveQueen said...

So sweet =) I love it =)

gma said...

The bunnies and your painting are darling. Some bunny loves you.

Cori Lynn Berg said...

Oh my goodness what sweet precious babies!

peggy gatto said...

Just a delight!

Sinderella's Studio said...

this is the first summer of the last 5 that we have not had a bunny nest...I miss them, soooooooo sweet but it is a good thing seeing that we babysat our daughters newfinland for 9 weeks and now my sons lab for the weekend those bunnies would have never made it.
enjoy them! I love when they leave the nest.
cheers, dana

Marlene said...

What precious little bunnies, their tiny ears are so cute. Lovely painting of them.

Janine said...

OHHH this is sooooooo sweet, sweet as candy.
Is this little rascal going to stay or
will you just keep this cute little painting you madeß
I love it!
Have a great weekend

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

This is so adorable! There is nothing cuter than a bunny...and you did a wonderful job capturing her. :)

angelself said...

Aw!..darling painting and cute lil bunnies!! Kathryn =)

Hannah said...

Charming piece Diana :)

Unknown said...

love your watercolor and ink picture of the bunny rabbit! so sweet
KAT Griffin

Melisa said...


Julie said...

Soo sweet!

Jester said...

Love your photos and love your picture - all so cute!

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