Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday Cupcake Topper Fun...Garden Party - Free for my sweet blog friends!!!

toppersalice and bugs 013

Every Thursday I create fun cupcake topper art that you can use for your personal parties for if you have any special requests....send them my way....just leave a comment!

Garden Party - blog

This week...I created this fun little set of Garden Party Cupcake just head here and save a copy for your next party.....and if you do create these please show me a photo!!! love seeing all of your cupcake parties!!!

(to save a on the picture to enlarge it....then right click your mouse and save image)

I created a set of these for myself...and they were a huge hit at a little make them up and use them on your patio....


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Love the garden party theme, the butterflies and ladybug are gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing

Happy day

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful creation,, how kind to share this,,these are lovely,

martinealison said...

Vraiment super mignon! Toutes tes créations ma chère Diana me font craquer... Ces petits papillons qui viendront butiner au-dessus des amuse-bouche sont ravissants... mais cela serait tellement mieux que tu viennes en personne déguster à la maison ces petits hors-d'oeuvre...
Gros bisous.

Crystal said...

Very cute cupcake toppers! I just love your creations! :-)

Terri Kahrs said...

Bright and beautiful toppers, Diana! How amazing these will look on frosted cupcakes!!! They make them look like they were enchanted by a Fairy Godmother!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Unknown said...

love these thank you

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