I popped over to Monday Artday and saw that this week's theme is "Elvis" ....
Elvis was my Father-in-Laws favorite singer.....so I want to dedicate this to my late Father-in-Law....
Thanks for popping by everyone and thanks for leaving me all the sweet messages....
hi diana!
your portrait of elvis is wonderful!
i would love to see minnie swimming! i think emmitt would be scared to swim to the middle of the lake. :)
your minnie is a brave pup!
Oh, very good likeness of Elvis, Diana. Nice job!
I love your elvis...I'm still debating if I'll make time for this one this week.
wow, it is great. Looks just like him.
Your blog is such an inspiration! All of your drawings, including Elvis, are filled with life and vigor! Thanks for creating such a beautiful stop in blogland!
He looks great! You've captured my favourite early ElvisI saw the topic and was too scared to try, he's so iconic. I looked up smores too by the way and I think I'm moving over there! hehe
you nailed the eyes on this one Diana! It's great outside here too but I'm stuck in doors studing... sigh... enjoy a little sun for me would ya?
this is wonderful....I have always been an Elvis fan and you have done a terrific likeness....your father-in-law had good taste. Sorry I haven't been posting...life has been way too busy to get any new artwork done...it makes me sad...but maybe today I'll carve out some time to get to the background I collaged over the weekend. Thanks for checkin' on me :)
This is great, Diana!
What is your process? Do you sketch first?
This is a great portrait of Elvis, Diana. And, what a loving tribute it is for your Father in Law.
really nice work on Elvis. he looks neat in black and white with that background
i'm all shook up.lol. nice work
Elvis is one of my favorites too. this looks really nice.
Hi Everyone...thanks for all the wonderful notes...your visits always make my day....
my process for real people is always starting with a sketch in pencil....but when I am doing some fun and free stuff I love living on the edge and doing it in ink from the beginning....makes it fun to see what comes out....
Thassa Hunka-hunka Elvis thar man. 8 ) nice work Diana!
what a lovely portrait.
you did a great job
Wow. He looks great, especially in your signature style. Now, Tag Your IT! Visit my blog for all the details. Enjoy. =)
Elvis sure looks handsome in your sketched. Great work!Diana.
Hi Diana!
I'm amazed of the endless creativity here! I haven't been here a few days and all the things you have made! And all so different!
How cool this theme so you could draw this especially for your father in law!
Hope you are feeling a little bit better already...............
ha ha great illo, elvis in his heyday, unlike mine which is him later on.
So innovative Elvis portrait! Great style, I love it!
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