Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 9 of 21 Day Creative Exercise - Arty Girls Challenge and some fun ...

Hi Everyone...

Thanks for popping by...Today's theme on the Arty Girlz Challenge blog is "3D" so I created a freehand cut out of a tree...then used Foam tape to give it dimension...I did it all in white to get the full focus on the 3D effect....

I also did a quick ink sketch of a tree with some love birds...

I also added a wonderful ATC that I got in the mail from Lisa Griffin...what a pleasant surprise that was...You have to pop by her blog to check out her amazing art...I pop by daily to see all the wonderful things she creates....

Have a wonderful day and please pop by again to see what I am up to...


ATC from Lisa... she made me a special cupcake!


Lisa M Griffin said...

That tree is fantastic. I love that it is all in white and the shadows it creates when photographed. Very nice idea that was executed extremely well.
Thanks for sharing, and I am so glad you are happy with your "Sweet" ATC.

Unknown said...

thanks for poppin by Lisa...I love the cool ATC you sent me...what a thrill it was opening your card...


Anonymous said...

free hand cut out.oh my how did you manage that. it looks so neat.

sheree boyd said...

wow! great 3-d tree --- takes a lot of patience i imagine!

Anonymous said...

wonderful tree!!

crystal driedger said...

Lovely tree! I hate cutting paper like this so I applaud you. Very well done and cleaning done too (very pro!)... Whoo hoo! Looking foward to more.

Archie and Melissa said...

hi diana!
i LOVE the 3-d effect! how clever and it photographed so well! that is hard to capture. you are amazing!

Fannie said...

Hi, Diana!

Your 3D tree is intricate and beautiful. Love your sketch of the tree and love birds too. I wish I could say "quick sketch" and have my work turn out as good as yours. ;-D

The ATC from Lisa is wonderful. She's a great artist and nice person too. I think the "Sweet" on the cupcake ATC describes three things: the cupcake, Lisa and YOU. ;-D

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

I love seeing things you don't expect. . . the tree is wonderful! I love your colorful whimsy illos, but this is so very nice too! Great job Diana!

Anonymous said...

love the all white 3d tree and what fun the ATCs are.

Kathleen Rietz said...

Hey Diana! I love the all-white tree with the bird...what a great exercise! As always, I feel happy when I stop here for a visit.

Hugs & cupcakes,

Kate :)

Andrea, said...

Fabulous card, love your tree

Penny said...

It's stunning, so simple and so striking!

Jo said...

WOWZA!! thats not a tree...it's a work of art! fantastic!

Paola Zakimi said...

Hi Diana, thanks!, hi that tree is fantastic!

Annapurna said...

Woooow! You are so creative. Drawing the tree free hand, cutting out the tree that looks perfect...

Anonymous said...

that white tree looks really neat. neat when you work in different mediums.


a little award is waiting for you on my blog...have a great day !!!

Jennifer Thermes said...

That tree is really cool!

Monika said...

wow great work and love your trees

Kath Stewart said...

Wow fab card - how creative

RyanLoghry said...

8 0 I love that 3D tree Diana. Very, very cool. I'll be coming back to stare at that piece often, it's a very interesting piece.

Alicia Padrón said...

Wow! Love that tree! beautiful. It looks fantastic in 3d and all white.l :o)

Julie Allain said...


Diana your 3D Tree is amazing ...as is all of your work!!

Thanks for joining in with Arty Girlz once again xx

test it comm said...

I like that 3D all white tree!

mike r baker said...

Love these!

Mandalika said...

The 3D card is incredible! I just love how striking the all white makes it.

Honor said...

Hi Diana,

The tree is fantastic! Nice work.

Crissi Harvey said...

wow the tree is blooming lovely Diane so effective could you would you do a template for us to follow thats would be so cool,and your sketch is amazing. thanks for sharing and joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge.

crissi xxx

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

oooh 3d tree card...awesome!

Laura Kirste Campbell said...

Wow! Marvelous 3-D tree!...wonderful drawings!

Kim Costello said...

Stunnig, just love 3D white work, such a pretty tree, very effective!

Eunice Rosado said...

how good it's this? wow...

Tina said...

Wow Diana the tree is fantastic, so simple yet so effective, i especially love your free hand ink drawing, it really is stunning,
Tina x

Rae said...

i love the cupcake
its making me hungry just looking at it!

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