Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 21 of 365 Day Creative Exercise...yeah that's right...

Hi Everyone... 21 has come and gone and I am thinking to just keep going and see if I can do a 365 day creative exercise...I figure I do something creative each and everyday and now I just can't stop...

today's post is a tribute to our weekly bon fires....we have our friends over and we enjoy a nice dinner and then a nice evening by the fire...

and you know what comes hand in hand with a bon fire...S'MORES! we ate a bunch last night and they were delish....thanks for bringing over enough marshmallows for the whole summer Carmen! I did this s'more in pen and ink and then added some digital colouring....I am posting this for the theme pens/pencils on Mixed Media Monday...since that is how this illustration started.....

I took some really cool shots of the fire too...I not only love to draw each and every day...but I am known for being attached to my camera....

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend....



Candace Trew Camling said...

I've been craving some s'mores!

Anonymous said...

wish I was eating one of those right about now. reminds me of camping years ago.

Anonymous said...

now your talking. love the bon fire and the smore looks so good.

Unknown said...

they were yummy! and we really enjoy our bon relaxing listening to some great stories by the fire....

Archie and Melissa said...

hi diana!
yum! i can smell the fire and taste the smores! i love your illustration! the colors you chose are perfect!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous, Diana! Diane

K said...

yummy art!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Diana, you've made it to 21! :-)
And you finish with a nice and tasty treat for all!

Sandy said...

Wow wow wow wow they are fantastic. Great design.

Joan Y said...

Wow Diana, you go gurl! I'm having trouble keeping up with 21 days! You are like the creative energizer bunny!

marianne said...

This looks mouthwatering! Thanks for stopping by Diana! I'll do the same here (pop by more often), because you have a lovely blog, a sight for sore eyes.

Femmy said...

Yummie!!! love it!!!

Femmy said...

wonderful! love it!

Honor said...

Oh Diana! I have always wondered what smores were exactly (being as we don't have them in Australia), and now I have to know! These look so good, I have to ask what they're made with... I'm jealous of your bon fires too, it's never cold enough here! x

Willy said...

Beautiful illustration!

Anneke said...

lovely pictures and i am getting hungry again when i see this

Alicia Padrón said...

Yummi and fabulous Diana!

Anonymous said...

this brings back so many memories. nice work

Emily said...

s'mores! too nummie Diana! I know all about being attached to ones camera! sigh! hihi... I think it's become part of my body...

take care!


mmmmmmmm.....sounds like delicious fun....

Kathleen Rietz said...

Yumba yumba! Nice smore drawing!

Hey that photo of the fire is so cool!

Sounds like you have a nice weekend.

Good for you for deciding to expand the 21 day challenge! You go, GURL!

Lisa M Griffin said...

OHHH YUMMM!!! I love smores, we make them whenever we go camping and it is the highlight of our trip. Your illustration looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

wowwa!! yummo!! looks great!

a : )

soulbrush said...

welcome to the 365 club, me and my giggles we welcome you....

test it comm said...

That smore looks really good. It has been too long since I last had a smore.

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