Friday, June 10, 2011

Paint Party Friday - and Illustration Friday....The little bird and the sea.......


I am feeling a little lost these I am sorry I haven't popped in to see you all lately....there have been some deaths in the family and I feel like I just need a that is exactly what I am doing....taking a breather and limiting my time on the computer....I need to get back on track and start moving ahead with many of my some time to re-fresh and re-focus is much needed....I have a book I need to finish that I wrote last year...and it is such a great story that I will turn into my next picture this will be my focus once I get back on track....

This week I did the bird piece above as a warm up piece....something not planned...just went with the flow of things.......I am submitting it and my painting below to Paint Party Friday and Illustration Friday this week....She looks swept away in her own world...just like me right about now....

Wishing you all the best as you create and I hope to get back into the groove of things soon!!!


This is a special painting I did for my Brother and my Sister-in-Law.....they are as sweet as can be and I love creating art for them....this piece is a seaside ink and watercolour.....

I also love being close to any water body....a river, a lake the sea ....funny how we are all drawn to water in a special way.....maybe this is what I need.... a little seaside escape.....

seaside 003

Have a wonderful day!!!


GlorV1 said...

It's beautiful Diana. I'm sure they will love it! Love the colors. Thx for sharing.

Janine said...

Oh how lovely,
this is so beautiful, You should make more paintings like this.
Have a great day

Heather said...

really beautiful diana! I love the color of the trees...and it looks great framed, too!

Toyin O. said...

Wow, that is beautiful painting.

Diane said...

Just lovely, Diana! Looks very inviting! Hugs, Diane

Loni Edwards said...

Hi Diana! Hugs to you during this sad time. I like your two paintings. I know what you mean about water. It is so calming. Take care,

Jenn Girl said...

Very nice! I love it. Sorry about your losses.

carlarey said...

Sometimes we all need to step back and take a breath while we process our lives. Love both your new paintings. Good luck with the book.

Anonymous said...

oh gah. i left you a long cool thoughtful comment and then...
my internet connection tanked and took my comment with it.

check out this dedication... i came back to check on it, and

my words are lost forever...
forget it.
i'm not retyping the whole damn thing..

suffice to say that i'm happy i came upon this blog and all of the other nice and genuine things i said earlier (that you now don't get to see - gah!)

okay, now you come to my blog too and tell me i am talented and pretty and stuff. it's only fair. (kidding.)


Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. Your warm up birdie is beautiful and I'm sure your brother and his wife fell in love with this amazing painting. Take care! :)

Hybrid J said...

As usual, lovely artwork ... it's ok to take a break from our creative venture. You'll come back with renewed energy. ;)

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear of the sadness you and your family have experienced recently. death will always put things into perspective, i guess. i have to say, i think so far i've mostly seen your graphic design work which is always brilliant but these pictures this week- beautiful! is the bird hand drawn? it looks like it is but i can never be sure! either way its a gorgeous piece and i really love the seascape- i agree with the need to be close to water. this is just beautiful and i'm sure they will love this thoughtful gift from you. hope things get back on track soon. x

Abela said...

If I was to live by the sea when it is going through a difficult period of my life, water makes you relax and think positive.
Your works are wonderful, mind I tell you that everything passes. A hug

Netty said...

Diana, am so sorry you are going through a difficult and emotional period, but totally understand how you feel.
Loving your bird and the beautiful painting. Take care, Annette x

WrightStuff said...

Sorry to hear about what you've been going through Diana. You don't need to worry about visiting everyone - we'll be waiting for you when you get back.

I love the water scene - reminds me of Summer holidays at the English Lake District.

Nicola said...

Hi Diana, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I think sometimes it is good to take a step back from things and take a breather. Your paintings are so bright and beautiful. The one you did for your brother and sister in-law looks gorgeous framed! I'm sending you hugs take care xoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Love your warm up birdie ;0) all that reflective silver, perhaps how your feeling reflective! and the boat painting looks great in the frame to!

Love Dawn xx

Heather said...

thinking of you during your time of reflection! many hugs my friend!

Darla said...

Your painting is beautiful. Framing just tops it off.
I'm sorry for your losses. I think you are wise to surround yourself with comfortable creative avenues to refresh your spirit that will help you feel at ease.

Ileana said...

Your painting is peaceful and vibrant and just so lovely to look at...what a gift!!

Christine said...

lovely work this week, you've chosen peaceful images perhaps to ease your stress.

Nelly said...

*Cyber Hugs* sent your way. Your paintings are beautiful as always. Your family will love their present, so sweet and from the heart. Can't wait to see the details on your book, exciting!

Have a great weekend!

josh pincus is crying said...

very cool painting.
do I detect a bit of a style departure?

EVA said...

I am sorry to hear about your losses, Diana.

These two pieces you have created in your non-computer time are wonderful!! Lucky brother and sister-in-law!

A warm up piece? Wow! So cute!!

Looking forward to seeing more on your book.

peggy gatto said...

Fresh ,happy painting! Your 2nd is so lovely with the colors and the water, a dreamy piece!
I hope your new work brings you to a good place.

Terrie said...

love your sweet bird and flowers - if that's a warm up, can't wait to see full force!
happy PPF

Kristin Dudish said...

I am very sorry to hear about the deaths in your family.

It sounds like you have some wonderful projects on the horizon - I look forward to seeing them :)

Your beautiful seaside escape reminds me of a Van Gogh painting... lovely!


Crystal said...

I love your bird. Is that sparkele i see, just lovely. You need to take time for yourself every once in a while, so sit back and relax away from the computer! I love the painting you did for your relatives it is so nice that they are supposrtive of your talent. :-)

SaraLynnArt said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so hard to lose someone you love.

Your bird piece is absolutely gorgeous!

Also, when you're back on the web, I've nominated you for an award at my blog!

Linda Hensley said...

Wishing you and yours the best during such a sad time. Glad to see you're putting energy into your book and such lovely paintings.

Jenny said...

Such lovely colours in both paintings and I love the sparkles in your bird piece....even if you are feeling a little lost you certainly remain radiating brightness and beauty :) BIG hugs being sent...enjoy your time finding you again xx

Pam Tucker said...

I'm sorry to hear of your losses, Diana. You need that time to yourself.

Your paintings are wonderful! I really love your seaside escape. Yes, being near a body of water is calming. My thoughts are with you.

Her Speak said...

I love the warmth in your seascape.
Wishing you much peace and healing~*

Anne Butera said...

I'm sorry to hear about the rough time you've been having. It's good to take time for yourself and your family.

Your bird piece is beautiful. So cheerful!

And your brother and sister-in-law are going to love that painting!!!

Marlene said...

Diana, sorry for your sadness. Love your little bird and your painting is lovely, I am sure it will be well loved.

Melisa said...

Beautiful! I especially love the colors in the landscape. Your book project sounds interesting, too. I hope you will feel refreshed after your break and will be ready to take it on.

Sacred Yoli said...

So sorry about your loss, and indeed it it good to take breathers and return the calm.
Love your submissions. I am a huge fan of bold color and expression and your first piece grabbed me right away. Your second piece made me wish I wasn't in front of my puter.
Happy ppf!

Terri Kahrs said...

So sorry to hear that you and yours have been suffering losses recently, Diana. Please know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. Take all of the time you need away from the Matrix. We'll be here whenever you decide you're ready to return. Love & Hugs, Terri xoxox

Julie said...

Stunning creations!

Anonymous said...

Greetings From Southern California

I am your newest follower. I invite you to visit my blog and follow back if you want too.

Have a Nice Day :-)

BTW, your paintings are fantastic! :-)

BahamaDawn said...

sorry to hear about your losses! hopefully a break will give you a renewed energy to come back and create again.
both paintings are lovely but i really love the bird and the white highlights on that painting.

ger chouinard said...

Diana: "The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea"
~ Isak Dinesen
... or painting the sea
hang in there girl ... beautiful work!

Indigene said...

Beautiful thoughtful work! Sending you a wave of peace and warmth.

Giggles said...

Both are beautiful! Hope you feel better soon. Grief is always difficult! Take care!

Hugs Giggles

SHERI COOK said...

What a sweet little bird. You will find your way will see. Wishing you a peaceful weekend and HAPPY PPF!

Lisa M Griffin said...

Beautiful Diana! Swing by my blog for a peak, as I highlighted you as one of my favorite inspiring blogs online.
Have a good weekend!

Geckostone said...

Beautiful paintings Diana!Your post sounded so familiar, needing a break and tuff stuff to deal with and wanting to persue dreams. Even working on a book like me too! Sometimes we spead ourselves too thin ( cuz we just have so MANY dreams I think!And so little time to dream them all!)Thanks for sharing your lovely paintings and thoughts. This is my first PPF and its a blast!!!Deb

A Wildflower said...

We all need to take a step back and regroup to stay grounded. But know we will all still be here when you're ready....

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Ms.D!!! Oh my goodness, but it's been a long while. I just had to stop by to see what you where up too and you have been super duper busy! Congrats on the book!!YIPPPPPPPPY! This is great. The painting is marvelous and delicious too. Great stuff.
Take care

Vicki Smith said...

I'm very sorry about the losses in your family, Diana. The work you have posted is lovely. Good luck with your book project.

Cameron said...

I'm sending you wishes for brighter days ahead....

I love the art pieces and am glad to hear that you are taking this time to move forward and reflect...

My best,

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