Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm back from a little escape...with a whole new perspective.....

ballet bee 111I spent a few days away with family and it was just what I needed....some time to just un-plug and re-evaluate the important things in life.....so this is just what I did....by the water all weekend....I feel much much better now and am ready to tackle just about anything that life may throw our way.....The only thing I painted when I was at the cottage was my room...and it was a lot of work...three coats of paint...and now a serene and pretty place to just get away.....

Lastnight was the first night I got back to my art....and this is the first thing that popped into my head....a ballet dancing bee....of all things....I guess I merged my love of bees with my love of ballet...and voila....Stacie came to life....she loves to work and dance on the job...hovering from flower to flower with her pirouettes...and pointy toes.....

I just want to thank you all for the wonderful messages of support and kindness...your friendships really touch my heart and I am so grateful to have met you all.....
weekend at the lake
This is a photo on our lake...where I get away and most times create work for my picture books.....below is a flower I had to share with you....since bees remind me to take care of my plants...and flowers are so beautiful...so I took a shot of these....

flowers for the bees
and here are a group of dancing bees....they will hang in my Studio and remind me to dance and to enjoy life....we have limited time for everything so I will be trying to cram extra stuff into my life.......

ballet bees

wishing you all a wonderful day....may the bees dance for you and may you always be aware of the amazing things in your lives!!!!

Happy Tuesday!!!


Kristin said...

Oh, I love your dancing bees! And those beautiful photographs - stunning! Thank you for your message and Yes! Please do join in The Summer of Color when you can - you can pop in anytime during the event - I would be honored to have you my friend, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Diane, I haven't seen this fruit before. I showed my hubby and he thinks passion fruit. Certainly looks colourful.
Thank you for your lovely message.

get zapped said...

You and your art are always inspiring and uplifting. I thank you for sharing your wonderful gift and happiness with us. Big hugs!

Janine said...

Oh what a wonderful flower, and that lakelooks so peacefull.
I love your bees to.
I have been to Slovakia for holidays and this is the country of bee-hives.

Christine said...

what a gorgeous flower. your dancing bee made me smile today.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Your ballerina bees are fabulous.
So glad that you were able to have a little holiday away with your family, at the water.
I love the pretty flower.

Happy week

Diane said...

Love your ballet dancing bees...they are so cute. The flowers are just gorgeous too. Glad you had a chance to get away &re-group. It's good to do that every now & then. xoxo Diane

Anonymous said...

Thank you Diane, means alot to me, thank you so much!

Heather said...

yay, glad you are back and rested up....it's good to take a breather every once in a whille...that flower picture is GORGEOUS - and so are the dancing bees!!! love them! have a great day

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