Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy 12th Anniversary !!! My Sunday Sketch .......

anniversary piece

Hi Everyone and Happy Sunday.....Twelve years ago today I married the man of my dreams...and he still makes each and every day amazing.....I feel very blessed ......Happy Anniversary Brad!!!

ANniversary 2011

I created this little piece for my sweetie.....and am submitting it to Sunday Sketches this week.....Our little family....Brad , Diana & our munchkin Cole.....

Happy Creating Everyone!!!!


apinkdreamer said...

oh! what a wonderful art piece!!!!congratulations on your love!!!!

martinealison said...

Bel hommage que cette charmante illustration pour dire "je t'aime" à sa moitié...
J'aime les petites feuilles en forme de coeur, ainsi que le fruit de votre amour...
Ma chère Diana, en ce jour particulier je te souhaite encore beaucoup d'années de bonheur...
Gros bisous à vous 3.

WrightStuff said...

Happy Anniversary! What a lovely piece to treasure with your family. Bet they loved it!

Netty said...

Fabulous card Diana and loving your design. Happy Anniversary. Annette x

Christine said...

aww Happy Anniversary Diana and Brad, this sentimental piece makes me teary eyed...wishing you many more wonderful years together, have a great celebration.

Marlene said...

Happy Anniversary! Such a cute illustration, It is very happy and adorable.

Morph Waffle said...

Such a cute little owl family, you look lovely as a pink owl. Happy anniversary to you and Brad!

Diane said...

Hi Diana!
I am wishing you & Brad a beautiful anniversary! xoxo Diane

EVA said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! What a beautiful card showing off your happy family!

Heather said...

YAY! Happy Anniversary - what a sweet card...I love the owls...and growing wiser and a bit older together sweet!!! cute details like the heart leaves....LOVE it! hope you have special plans for the day! xo

Kristin said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful portrait of your family too - Cole looks so cute as a wee owl! Have a wonderful day my friend, xoxo

Kristin Aquariann said...

Adorable owl family! Have a wondrous anniversary!!

Joni Nickrent said...

So fun and whooo new...Happy Anniversary to you!

Elizabeth Claire said...

Congratulations, indeed you are so blessed! Loe your whimsical owls! Happy Anniversary! Wishing you...Forever Love!!

Debbie said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the cute owls!

Terri Kahrs said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary to you and your wonderful husband, Diane! May you spend many, many more years enjoying life together! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Kristin Dudish said...

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful illustration to celebrate :)


Giggles said...

Happy Anniversary Diana, your illustration is just adorable!

Hugs Giggles

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and love the sweet card you made of your dear family.
Aren't owls wonderful.

Happy week

Janine said...

Hi Diana,
this is lovely and 12 years is quiet a while.
Happy anniversary to you too.

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