Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Wishing my amazing Father a wonderful Father's Day ....he was my inspiration when I was growing up....he is the reason I started to paint as a child and I am forever grateful to him for showing me how to create things and weld metal sculptures...he can turn any idea you throw at him into a live project and have it done super quick....he is the greatest Dad and also my best friend....I feel truly blessed to have him in our lives.....

I also want to remember my amazing Father in Law who passed away....he was always a huge supporter of my work too....and he always made me laugh....You will forever be in our hearts and we think about you every day!!!

and my Dearest Husband....who makes me cry with Happiness when I see him with our munchkin Cole....he learned from the best and I love that he is such an amazing Dad.....I especially cry when I see him reading my books to our son!! what a dream.....

and to all of you out there....I wish you a Happy Father's Day....near or or in are all cherished...always!!!!


Giggles said...

A beautiful tribute to some amazing men! You are all so fortunate to be blessed with great fathers!

Hugs Giggles

Tammie Lee said...

ah, such a lovely post
there is so much to be thankful for and you have had some wonderful fathers in your life.

Anonymous said...

such a sweet post all the fathers here or in heaven,,, aww,,

Terri Kahrs said...

What a lovely tribute to the men in your life, Diana! I am who I am because of the wonderful men in my life!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

Michaele Razi said...

Such a lovely way to honor your father. Wonderful!

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