Hi Everyone...
I just wanted to add an update on my blog...My Father-in-Law is very ill and he is now in ICU....we are with him around the clock and hope and pray that everything gets better for him....I have done some illustrations at the hospital ....one special one for Dad.....I made him a Guardian Angel...it is taped to the wall in his room...He was always so supportive of my art....We have the most amazing relationship...he is one of the most amazing people I have ever met....the most giving and thoughtful person around....He was always on the go doing all this amazing volunteer work...I was always blown away by his giving spirit...
It is so hard to see him unconscious and hooked up to so many machines...I want to be there for Dad and my husband Brad as much as I can...so I will be back soon I hope....
Thanks for all the kind notes, thoughts and prayers for my family...I appreciate it from the heart....
This is really sad news. I hope everything turns out ok, you've had a hard few months. The guardian angel is wonderful. Prayers and Hugs.
not sure if my comment worked.
so here i am sending you more hugs and strength.
Hugs and prayers headed your way.
Awww Diana, I am so sorry to hear that sweetie. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. If you ever need someone to talk to, you have my email address. I know just what you are going through, and I can certainly relate. I lost my Dad last year suddenly, and my Mom is very sick. I spend a good deal of time in the hospital sketching too. I'm glad I have my blogger friends to encourage me with creating art, which always makes me feel better. I hope I can do that for you as well! Take care. <3
P.S. Your angel is beautiful.
thank you so much for thinking of me and my family...I am so happy to have so many wonderful friends all over the world...your kindness makes my day and I pray that things will get better...
hi diana
i am so sorry. i am thinking of all of you, and i am always here if you need a friend!
i love your guardian angel, and i know he does too.
you are very special.
thanks Melissa...so nice to have everyone's support through this...
Diana so sorry to hear about your father in law. you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
thanks Lisa...I pop by here to take a breather...and it is so nice to get these encouraging messages....I am grateful for all my wonderful on-line friends....
hugs...and thank you!
sorry to hear about your dad-in-law. hope all turns out ok for you.
me too...me too..thanks Mark...
Oh, I'm so sorry with this bad news!
My prayers are with your family too.
I have no doubts your guardian angel presence is comforting him.
I am so sorry to hear about your father in law. I hope that everything works out alright. Please know that my thoughts and prayers at with you and your family.
Diana, love and (((((hugs))))) to you. Take care.
Happy Mother's Day! Thinking of you.
My goodness Diana, I am so sorry to hear the sad news. I hope that your father-in-law can heal and the love of his family will give him the strength to recover. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
So sweet this guadian angel!
Hope you father in law recovers soon!
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