Oh wow...week three already....I am having a blast with all these colour themes....I hope you enjoy this fun party girl...she is all ready to have a blast at a Purple and Lime Green Party....you can share your fun SOC art for week three here... SOC 2013 Week III
I took my illustration and added some fun colour to it for my 10 Minute Warm Up today.... Love merging these fun challenges....and you can too!!! Also just snapped these photos from my Vegetable garden and the Sage is in bloom in perfect colours for SOC....week three....
Hope you Join me in this super fun blog challenge!!! it only takes like 10 Minutes!!!!
Join me..........................................

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create something....you can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try it....it is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday....Sunday....so join me!!! won't you!
Happy Monday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....
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She is gorgeous!! LOVE, LOVE!!
isn't she adorable!! great job with the colors!
wow that was quick Diana and how wonderful she looks, Annette x
Love your party girl ! Great photos from your garden too ! Ali #17
This is a very pretty lady. Love the purple and green.
Liefs, Melanie
your art is so wonderful in your use of colors, truly fun. gorgeous flowers too Diana.
she is a wow!!!!!!
Bonjour ma chère Diana,
Je suis si accaparée par l'éducation de mon bébé dalmatien que le temps me manque pour venir te visiter !!! Dans quelques temps après les expositions qui arrivent de cet été cela ira mieux ! et je serai plus régulière. Je pense toujours bien à toi et ne t'oublie pas pour autant!!!
Une très belle illustration que cette belle jeune fille masquée. Elle est à la fois très sensuelle.
Je te fais de gros bisous.
I like your take on the theme!
She is certainly a fun lady.
oh yes who looks fun and I love the sage flowers
She is infectiously, happy!!!. LOVE the bold colors. And you have such a gorgeous garden, I've never seen sage flowers before so I'm thankful that you're sharing this!. Hugs.
amazing post Diana!
Oh she's awesome! mardi Gras time! Love the photos as well!
Fun and beautiful, love the detail! Great pics, too! <3
With a spot of gold, she could be a model for Mardi Gras. I was really reminded of Mardi Gras colors when I saw this beauty. Lovely entry.
I thought of Mardi Gras right away, too! Perfect for color party fun!
Gorgeous work, great use of the colours. Love her mask and sequins.
Absolutely adorable! I love her! And your photos!!!!
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