Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday 10 Minute Warm Up!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone....hope you are all having a nice weekend.....I took some time to work on this little character....I know she has something to say....but I haven't figured it out yet....

Sharing this for Sunday Sketches and I also hope you will all join me in my daily fun challenge of taking 10 Minutes to create something....anything....

I love this fun exercise because it can be anything you want it to be......drawing, painting, taking photos or just has to be creative!!! you have to try it out!!!

Join me..........................................

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, join me!!! won't you!

Happy Monday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....

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Anonymous said...

she certainly is happy, holding her banner high!

Debbie said...

She'ld be so cute on a birthday or congratulations card!

Tam Hess said...

Oh I love her dress...I did some quick sharpie sketches on envelopes. Hope that qualifies for the 10 min. warm ups? xoxo

Ginny said...

She is adorable. It is amazing what you can create in ten minutes.

Joni Nickrent said...

Love your whimsical girl with banner! So many possibilities for inspiring words to appear!

Christine said...

She's so cute!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I agree with Debbie's suggestions, but she could also say "#! Dad" on a Father's Day or Birthday card from a girl. I have to confess that with two daughter's of my own, that's the first thing that came to mind. Blessings!

Unknown said...

Your girl looks so happy...great 10 min warm up :)

Tammie Lee said...

she is absolutely adorable.

Kays Kids said...

I think she is saying "Come to my Party." She is great.

Lisa M Griffin said...

Versatile and cute!

Ariel said...

She looks cute. Love this 10minute warm up challenge. I would definitely like to try it.

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