Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Sketches....Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone....

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out I thought I would share Cole's 10 Minute Warm Up work for Daddy's card.....we used the above photo for the front of the card....and the inside was all Cole's work....The sun made my day!!!!!

you know me and suns.....

Join us..........................................

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, join me!!! won't you!

Happy Sunday Sketches Everyone....and Happy Creating.....

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Christine said...

oh this is soooo sweet! love it.

lissa said...

so very adorable drawing. any father would like that.

hope you all have a sweet day.

Melanie said...

What a sweet drawing.
Liefs, Melanie

Ginny said...

Love this. Cole did a wonderful job. Bet his Dad loved it too!

Deborah said...

You know, my Little Friend, sometimes a child is So Special, that one in a lifetime is MORE than enough.


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