Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a wonderful Birthday and my submission to MMM this week...theme "Play"

Hi Everyone....
I am submitting some wonderful animals from the zoo....I so love it when Animals get to play and have some fun....Mixed Media Monday's theme this week is "Play"....and speaking of play....
what a wonderful weekend!!! It sure was all about "playing" this our son Cole celebrated with some of his friends....and to see some of the treats I made you can check out this.....We get to celebrate on his actual Birthday this Wednesday with I will be creating some more treats!!!

Happy Monday!!!

Make a wish Dearest son!!! We Love you with all our hearts!!!!


Diane said...

It's wonderful, Diana! Diane

Anonymous said...

This is so lovely and vibrant. I'll have to show it to my daughter. She's three and we recently stopped by the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle while on vacation. :)

paru's_circle said...

ahhh.. lovely , Diana,, glad the party and cake was a blast!

Anonymous said...

This looks absolutely great

Nicola said...

Wow!! Wonderful image so colourful and I love the little monkey with the ice cream!! It looks like Cole had a lovely party with his friends what a brilliant cake, it looks very yummy!!! Hope he has a great day on Wednesday!! Happy Birthday Cole!!


Janny said...

Beautiful! And congrats with you lovely son!

Astrid Maclean said...

Wonderful piece! They certainly look a happy birthday crowd!

soulbrush said...

what a fun illo, perfect for this fun day. bet they had sore tummies after all those yummy treats. smooches little cole. he is the age of my new nursery kiddies, when i go back in september. 26 of them in the class.

Art by Darla Kay said...

Happy Birthday Cole!
What a NICE cupcake! :) YUM!

indybev said...

This is one of your best, Diana. (Beautiful children too!)

Dolores said...

I love your animal menagerie.
Looks like a fun time was had by the little folk getting to dig into that gorgeous huge cupcake.
Hope Wednesday is equally as much fun.

Teri said...

So sweet and perfect for the challenge.

Birthday wishes for that cute birthday boy!!

Anonymous said...

Diana, what a fun and colorful piece. And the cake for Cole's party is wonderful, too.

Marie S said...

Oh this is a GREAT MMM Diana, well done!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Mr. Cole!!!!
Diana the favorrs are wonderful and the brownies are a hoot!!
How fun.

Marie S said...

Thanks Diana!! Do you have a mermaid? I bet you do, where can I find it?

Francie's project is very cool and I can totally see it being Dianaized!!!
I would like to make one into a birdhouse too!!

Luisa Migon said...

Oh! So much fun!!! Love your post, the photos and that cupcake seems to be "yummmy"!!! :O)

Diane said...

This is so wonderful. SO happy & colorful.

Ces Adorio said...

Oh I missed this. That cupcake looks totally delicious! The kids look very happy!

Fannie said...

Your illustrations are always so detailed. Love it!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Colorful and lovely. Love it!

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