Hi Everyone.... Like art I also find that gardening feed my soul ....I love taking photos every week so I can see how things are growing...like these two shots...just a week and everything is much bigger....

My lavendar row is my favorite part of this garden...it comes up every year and the smell as I work is amazing....like I am in France in a field of lavendar...maybe that's why I have great dreams when I sleep.....

I also cook with a lot of herbs...and have a whole row dedicated to my culinary herbs....yumm! I grow Italian Parsley, Rosemary, Purple Basil, Columnar Basil, Lemon Thyme and Coriander or better known as Cilantrio....

and pretty soon....if the warm sun keeps on shining we will be eating our tomatoes....I can't wait!

have you ever cooked things stuffed in zuchini blossoms?? yumm!!!!

and my special little helper makes every visit to the vegetable garden even more wonderful...Cole was the inspiration for the latest book I am working on....I can't wait to show you some more about my book!!!

oh and this year I am trying out some new plants....brussel sprouts...I can't wait to try these from the garden...

Have a wonderful day and I know it is Wednesday and I usually do a post about Wedensdays in Paris...but I hope my garden took you to France with the lavendar....
What an amazing garden. I love all the lavendar, planted some myself this year... three different varieties. And Cole is really becoming quite the big boy. Thanks for sharing.
Your garden looks fantastic! Like such an oasis of delightful smells and abundance of food. And your little boy is just the cutest!! :) Silke
Wow! Your garden is amazing and Cole is a doll!
You have a positively lovely garden! Your selection is just amazing. Everything looks almost too pretty to eat...almost.
Hugs, Diane
Wow what a wonderful lush garden!!!! It's lovely and so full of life!!! What a lovely place to spend time with your little man!
Oooh this is making me so hungry. Everything looks wonderful - children love gardening don't they - I bet Cole is the best helper too! x
Hi Diana,
I envy you for that lavender,
your garden looks great.
Diana I love Cole the most from the garden in his yellow shirt and water gun.
Love Renee xoxo
Wow, great garden! I was just telling my husband last weekend that we should start a veggie and herb garden next summer when we move to our new house. We shall see if that ever happens! :P
Thank you for the inspiration!!!
Wow, great garden! I was just telling my husband last weekend that we should start a veggie and herb garden next summer when we move to our new house. We shall see if that ever happens! :P
Thank you for the inspiration!!!
Hi Diana, Wow, your garden is fantastic! I love your lavender! That's given me an idea to plant some in my garden next year. It's very beautiful and your garden is coming along great!
I also have a garden. I have 8 tomato plants, 4 green pepper plants, and zucchini. I take pictures of my garden every week also...it's always nice to be able to see how it's grown so nicely! Your lil one is very sweet! I have 4 sons, but they're all grown now and I have 6 grand-children. Kids are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing your garden!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!
What a gorgeous garden!
What a space!
I love those trees and the lawn.
Great you grow your own veggies. Amazing you have time for that, you are already such a busy lady!
Cole is a cuttiepie! nearly 3 wow!
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