I then baked and iced a special huge cupcake cake ...using the Wilton Large Cupcake pan...what fun...I did the bottom with chocolate ganache and the top is a butter cream cheese icing with a hint of almond....I hope everyone loves it tomorrow!!!

I also baked some yummy chocolate chip cookie pops then dipped them in white chocolate and sprinkles...I figure everything is more fun in colourful sprinkles....

and since Cole loves Spongebob this year....I tried to make some yummy brownies that are little Spongebob characters....hehehehe....they are hilarious....

This is a special laminated sign I made for the cake topper....Every year I make one and keep them as a memento....

and more cupcakes just for fun!!!

Well now it's time for a little rest...and relaxation....I am tired from all the baking and creating!!! What a wonderful Saturday!!!!
Have a wonderful time at the parties and Happy Birthday to Cole !!!!
Hi Diana, Wow, I love, love, love everything! Fantastic decorations and the cake and cupcakes...I applaud you on a job very well done! I love the laminated work to, how in the world did you do those, they're darling! With having 6 grand-children I would love to be able to make something like that for them. Just awesome! Oh...your Sponge Bob's rule!
I'll bet you're ready to relax now, you've been very busy today!
Happy 3rd Birthday to your sweet lil guy!
Oh my, you have been busy in the kitchen. I love the cake. Happy birthday to Cole. I hope he has a wonderful day celebrating.
Oooh how exciting! Hope Cole has a wonderful 3rd birthday - YAY!!!!!! If you have any of your your gorgeous cupcakes left, feel free to send them over my way - hee hee - they all look so scrummy yummy delicious - well done you! xxxx
Wow Diana! You surpassed yourself!!!
What a load of wonderful bakings!!!
That huge cupcake is awesome and those spongebob cookies!
Cole is lucky to have you as a mother!
Wishing you today a wonderful day with the family!
love >M<
Hi Diana, that looks like the best birthdayparty ever.
Everything is so lovely.
I love the sponge bob- brownies
Happy birthday to your baby!! That cake....mmmm!
I laughed when I saw Sponge Bob because my daughter is 18 and still watches it!
aaaaaw this is delightful, i remember when he turned two, omg it was like yesterday. happy happy boifday big boy, from grandie soul in london....hugs to mommy too.
yeah!! sponge bob!! awesome gigantic cupcake!
Oh my gosh! I cant tell you how much I love that giant blue cupcake! That has got to be every childs dream! those spongebob brownies are fab too... you really make me want to bake, even though i'm terrible at it!!
Hope Cole has a great birthday!:-)
WOW!!!! I wish we could come to the party too after looking at all that yummy food, you are so creative, what a great idea to have those laminated pictures around and the one for the cake! The Sponge Bob brownies are fantastic and so hilarious!!!
What an amazing mother! You really do it up right! Cole is a very lucky young man & I hope he has a FABULOUS birthday this year. If he gets any cuter, I won't be able to stand it. xoxo Diane
Whats the recipe for your giant cupcake and frosting?? is there a possibility that u can share how u made it?
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