Monday, September 1, 2014

First Day!!!!!

Hello Everyone....what a wonderful Long weekend!! and I am having bittersweet mixed feelings about School starting already!! The Summer has flown by so quickly and I had the time of my life with my sweet family and our little munchkin who is heading to Grade 3!!!! So excited for his first day back.....he is such a sweetheart and wanted to read me one more story before the big day in the morning!!! I will miss him so!!!

Wishing you all a most wonderful week!!! Thank you so much for being here !!!

Happy First Day of School and Happy Creating Everyone....

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Kays Kids said...

I hope your little boy, has fun on his first day back at school and you don't feel too lost.
I remember the feeling.
Hugs Kay

martinealison said...

Bonjour ma chère Diana,

Je suis très heureuse de te retrouver après mes longues journées d'absence. Un petit billet de circonstance... Je considère cette période aussi comme une rentrée scolaire pour moi !!
J'adore ta merveilleuse illustration. Je souhaite plein de bonnes choses à ton petit bout !
Gros bisous à vous deux.

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