Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday about some tattoo art

Custom tattoo Leanne

I have to say that I am loving working on some custom tattoos...
This one was created for Leanne...and it is a memorial to her Dad who passed away...he used to always bring her Mom yellow roses....and she loves butterflies and transformation so I added in this fluttery friend....

I thought this sketch would be perfect as my Sunday Sketch this week!!!

Happy Creating Everyone...and if you want a custom tattoo...send me an e-mail!!!


Morph Waffle said...

What a lovely piece. Doing tatoo art, how cool!

Unknown said...

THanks Missy!!!!!

Wanda's Wings said...

How cool. Art to wear. Very nice.

mariasangel said...

yellow roses have always been special to me as well--beautiful job representing them! love your sun/moon as well!

Jenn Bower said...

And I can see why!!!! That is awesome. Man, I sure wish I had known you when I was researching ideas for mine. This is very, very cool. Congrats on the 100 Illustrators book making it into B&N, too.

Unknown said...

THank you Wanda!!!

Jehanne's doodles said...

This is a fabulous tattoo. Love the line art to it and the coloured version.

Unknown said...

Thank you Maria!!!

Thank you Jennifer...100 Illustrations is a dream!!! I am so thrilled with the first Annual...

martinealison said...

Un très joli tatouage et certainement pour un bel hommage...
Toutefois je ne suis pas très tatouage!!! sourire... Mais je te rassure ma chère amie, rien contre cette belle création;
Gros bisous à toi.

WrightStuff said...

What a great diversification to your portfolio Diana. I can imagine you'll get loads of requests.

Christine said...

wonderful tattoo art!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the sweet words Martine!!! Lisa and Christine!!!

Netty said...

Gosh this looks brilliant Diana, am sure you will get loads of orders. xx

Joni Nickrent said...

Very cool...the design looks awesome as tattoo art! Great Sunday Share! POP ART MINIS

Anonymous said...

aww, thats so sweet and what a beautiful tattoo you created,,

Heather said...

oooh, your designs look so good on tatoos....perfect for them. i like the colors you chose!
btw - i bought 4 of the books at Barnes and Noble yesterday!!!! yippppeeee - thank you!!!!!!!

Lenora said...

This is a wonderful idea, the tattoo is joyous and life giving, lifts the soul!

marianne said...

Wow Diana! What a great tattoo this is!
I nearly would want it myself......but I am in the process of removing one , so no more tattoos for me;)
But I still love them......
Is this a transfer?
Love it!
name something you can't create.......

Have a nice sunday♥

lissa said...

I like the combination - butterfly & rose & heart - lovely tribute tattoo

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful tatoo art ~ love the butterfly (have small butterfly tatoo on my right ankle) ~ very creative! ~ namaste, Carol ^_^
Sketch Sunday and my blog is Share the Creative Journey ~ thanks ^_^ ~ Come visit!

Sinderella's Studio said...

I love this boys are tattooed up - I have one, yes, even at my age!!!
cheers, dana

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