Friday, February 27, 2009

Illustration Friday - "Breezy"

Hi Everyone....

It was so breezy that day but nothing could stop her from trying out something she always wanted to try....So she took the leap of faith and the breeze took her straight back to the city....

Have a wonderful day....



Thursday, February 26, 2009

Skidoo Shots! and a song for you all....

oh what fun!! there is nothing like heading North to enjoy a skidoo weekend....

when the whole gang gets together we have a riot ....once we went out and we did a 13 hour was one of the funniest nights ever...

My brother sent me the song video below...he loves sleddin!!!

Hope you have a listen and enjoy it!


my helmet and sled at the cottage and

my sled all alone as I take a picture of the most amazing scenery.....

My brother at the coolest waterfall...frozen in time....

one of my favorite trails...I would just sit here and get inspired...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daily art Stop - Challenge Wednesday - "Birds"

Hi Everyone....

There is a special species of owl called dream can only spot these at night in your dreams....

I am submitting her to Daily Art Stop's Challenge Wednesday this week....the theme is "birds" and I so love everything about owls....

I also added a photo I took a few week's ago!!!

have a great day!!



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Custom piece ...I titled this "My little Peanut is all grown up" my 1st submission to Crazy Amigos Challenge blog

Hi Everyone...

I had a special request for a custom peanut I created this piece I titled...

"My little Peanut is all Grown up"

I really love her....

have a wonderful day!!!

I am submitting this to my first challenge on Crazy Amigo Challenge Blog

the theme this week is faces...



Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mixed Media Monday - "Heroes" and Arty Girlz Challenge - "Butterflies"

Hi Everyone...for me there are many Heroes today and from the past that have enabled many of us to live in Peace...their fight is worth it and I feel blessed to be living the life I am today because of many of these "Heroes"...I dedicate "Kashmira" to every Hero
As we all are...she too is grateful for Peace.....
I created her as part of my newest series....She also has many wonderful butterflies that are a symbol of transformation....and they fit perfectly with the Arty girlz challenge this week....
have a wonderful day...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Illustration Friday - "Instinct"

Hi Everyone...

Meet Ava....her natural instinct was to always be the "Hostess with the Mostess"

She would always wear a smile and serve up some yummy cupcakes to all her friends....

Watch out Martha!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!


Imagine all the cool things waiting to be transformed....

Hi Everyone....

One day as we walked on the beach I spotted a wonderful rock that reminded me of a slice of cake...(as most things do lol)

so I grabbed it and carried the huge piece all the way home..

I finally painted the rock into a yummy slice of cake...and then went and found 3 more smaller rocks in the shapes of berries that I painted as delicious strawberries....for garnish...

I finished all the pieces and then placed them of a serving tray and now this yummy sculpture rests on one of the counters in our kitchen....Cole loves it....he laughs about it everyday....and always says..."Is it yummy?"

What fun!
I am submitting this cake to Inspire Me Thursday I think it is perfect for the best silver fork you have....
have a wonderful day...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Challenge Wednesday at my other blog - Daily art Stop - Theme "Springtime in Paris"

Hi Everyone...

The theme for this week's challenge over at my Daily art Stop blog is "Springtime in Paris" and since it is still cold and wintry here I thought it would help get us all in the mood for warmer weather....

I had some fun with this theme...from pulling out an old favorite dress, to creating a fun collage to snacking on one of my favorites...a yummy and buttery croissant....

Thanks for popping by and please grab a chair and let me make you a latte....

Have a wonderful day...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2 challenges in one....

Hi Everyone...We had a long weekend here in Ontario so I am a bit behind....

This week on Mixed Media Monday the theme is "hearts and wings" and on the Arty Girlz Challenge blog the theme is "wire"

I made a special angel who can fly and gives out love and has a halo that looks like it is lit up by a wire....

She is a 4inch x 6 inch watercolour and ink....

I hope you enjoy her !!!



Monday, February 16, 2009

We're Back!! What a great long weekend....

Hi Everyone....Add Image

we just got back from a weekend away at our family cottage....we also headed to Blue Mountain for some fun!!!

They had the Raptor conservatory there and we were as close as you can get to some of the most amazing birds of prey ever....I have so many wonderful photos....I will post them when I get a chance....but for are some shots from blue Mountain including the Bald Eagle....only 4 years old....but his strength is amazing....

oh I love love love the horse rides
the big chair!!! my brother, my sister in -law and our niece.....
the boys with the cool owl!!!

Cole Enjoying his Starbucks hot cocoa by the bon fire!!! what fun!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!

Hi Everyone...
Wishing you all a Happy and wonderful Valentine's Day! here are some of my Valentine's day pieces...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Illustration Friday - Celebrate

Hi Everyone...

The theme is CELEBRATE!

One of my fondest memories was having childhood Birthdays and all the fun celebrations ....we would have friends and family over and enjoy all kinds of fun treats...

ah what fun!

Have a wonderful Friday!!!



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Inspire Me Thursday - Lace

Hi Everyone...

the theme is Lace and Valentine's is almost here and I think the lace sales increase drastically during this holiday....

here is my take...



One World One Heart giveaway winners!!!

Hi Everyone...what a fab time it was to meet everyone...I hope to see you all pop by more often!!!

and the winners are!!!

Anna Banana wins the original 4 x 6 watercolour painting

Whispering poppies wins one of my handmade Neck Art pendants

Ladybug wins a set of 3 Handmade French Cupcake notecards

Latharia wins a mini Art print of my Cupcake painting and a Handmade Cupcake notecard with glitter embellishments...

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Daily Art Stop - Challenge Wednesday - hearts and chocolate....

Hi Everyone...
This week the challenge over at Daily art Stop is "hearts and chocolate"
and I took the theme literally and made a yummy heart chocolate cake...
hope you enjoy it's virtual yummy - ness!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Arty Girlz Challenge - Flowers - My very own Nani bird....and you can print it and make your very own...

Hi Everyone...

A while back I found a site that had these cute little birds you could print out and put together....the site is called ....and the owner of the site was sweet enough to send me the template so I could have some fun .....

I couldn't help myself...and being an artist and illustrator I had to design my very own....
and here she is....she is titled...

"Nani wants a cupcake...."

I embellished her with all kinds of flowers and glitter and fun....
isn't this a cute piece for any desk!

I am submitting this creation to Arty Girlz Challenge Blog....this week the theme is flowers...and she sure loves flowers and cupcakes of

to make this cute little Nani bird...just click on the picture to the left and then right click to save a copy....then get some quality cardstock....and print one...then embellish it and take some photos ....I would love to see these and the special way you embellish my take on Nani!!!!



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mixed Media Monday - Romance

Hi Everyone...
this week I created this piece for Mixed Media Monday....the theme is romance...and there is always something special about getting all decked out in a special dress....all ready for a night on the town....
a night filled with "Romance"
have a wonderful day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some Valentine's Day Art Painted by Cole - Thank you Candace...

Hi Everyone....

I love doing creative things with our son when he heard we were going to paint a Valentine for Daddy...he was so excited...

I even let him use my good watercolour paint...

Candace is a wonderful artist and illustrator that I met through blogging and she featured a fun post the other day....a downloadable Valentine's Day colouring here is the cute piece all done by Cole...

Thanks Candace...and everyone should pop by to check out her work!!!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Illustration Friday - "Time"

Hi Everyone...

Meet Katie...she was always on time...

She even won a ribbon for always being on time...

so if you ever need a wake up call...Katie is the one to rely on...

have a wonderful weekend...



Thursday, February 5, 2009

Daily Art Stop - "Sweet"

Hi Everyone...

I have been busy with some courses I am taking in I thought I would submit this on Daily Art Stop for Challenge Wednesday...

The characters in this book are as "Sweet" as they come...

I can't wait till this is released!!!



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Arty GirlzChallenge - Red and White

Hi Everyone...what a fun challenge...I am making some valentine's day art and wanted to submit this piece for the challenge this week....the theme is "Red & White" just perfect for the coming Holiday of Love...
have a wonderful day...
and don't forget to comment on my one World one Heart giveaway post!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mixed Media Monday - Fruit

Hi Everyone...

I found some work from the past and this one fits just perfectly for this week's Mixed Media Monday Challenge....the theme is "Fruit" and Mr. pineapple looks like he is the boss in this kitchen!!! This was a cover I worked on for a Corporate Cookbook for charity.....

hope you have a wonderful day...



Sunday, February 1, 2009

One World - One Heart Giveaway


Hi Everyone...

I learned about this wonderful movement called One World one heart and had to participate....

One World, One Heart is hosted by Lisa Swifka. It is a world wide giveaway with a chance to meet and visit blogs from all over the world. It started on January 19 and ends on February 11 at 6pm when winners will be chosen at random. I will announce my winners on the February 12. All you have to do is leave me a comment...I love hearing from you...

I also hope that you will follow my blog and keep in touch long after this wonderful please click on Follow me on the sidebar and add my blog to your friends list....

This is what Lisa said about this event:
The giveaway portion is like hosting an open if we were all living in this gigantic neighborhood where once a year we visit homes to meet, reacquaint and get to know one another. At each home there are samplings of goodies that you have a chance to take home like a door prize. You leave your name and at some point each home chooses a winner or winners......and now you not only have met a new "neighbor" and you've seen where they have something that someone lovingly chose to give..... AND visa versa.

original 4 x 6 watercolour painting

one of my handmade Neck Art pendants

a set of 3 Handmade French Cupcake notecards

A mini Art print of my Cupcake painting

A Handmade Cupcake notecard with glitter embellishments...

Thanks for popping by...


Hope to keep in touch with you!!!
