Thursday, February 26, 2009

Skidoo Shots! and a song for you all....

oh what fun!! there is nothing like heading North to enjoy a skidoo weekend....

when the whole gang gets together we have a riot ....once we went out and we did a 13 hour was one of the funniest nights ever...

My brother sent me the song video below...he loves sleddin!!!

Hope you have a listen and enjoy it!


my helmet and sled at the cottage and

my sled all alone as I take a picture of the most amazing scenery.....

My brother at the coolest waterfall...frozen in time....

one of my favorite trails...I would just sit here and get inspired...


  1. OMG Diana, it really is still very much winter there!
    Is there still snow around your house as well, or you have to travel far north for this?
    It sure looks like a fun outing!
    The frozen waterfall looks amazing!
    Beautiful white snow....

  2. OOOH, the smell of the lead dog's gas, the wind sneaking up under the helmet and chilling the face. The scream of Skidoo's like sweet little bees buzzing through the winter fairy land in the woods. Who wouldn't enjoy this???
    Beautiful pictures, I love the frozen waterfall.
    Since you are a skidoo fan, when I lived in Wisconsin, we called Polaris (Pull your xss). Hope you can pass that one on to your group of Skidogs!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. what a blast! im envious.....

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Hmmm. Almost makes me miss snow. Almost. I'm Florida through and through. Gimme sun and warm temperatures. I have fond memories of snowmobiling when I was a kid.

  5. hi diana!
    oh how fun!
    what beautiful photos!
    have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Oh wow ... I just love these snow pictures ... something we don't see that often here in sunny South Africa. Love your artwork. Hugs from Desire


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