Hi Everyone...
On our vacation I had thought about messing around with some mini-paintings....
and you know I had to incorporate cupcakes in them some how...lol
So here are the ink sketches...I will be painting these and posting them in colour....
These are a tribute to some of my all time favorites.....
- Picasso - "Woman with Book" in my case it is "Woman with cupcake"
- Grant Wood - "American Gothic" in my case they pierced a cupcake with the fork
- Leonardo Da Vinci - "Mona Lisa" in my case I created 2....she is one of my favorites....she is waiting to eat her cupcake...
- Rene Magritte - "Son of Man" I always picture a cupcake instead of the green apple on this one...
- Edward Munch - "The Scream" ...something I always do when I see a great cupcake...
Well I hope these brought a smile to your day....
Who are some of your favorite painters and pieces...I would love to know...
Thanks for popping in and saying hello!