Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CALL for Illustrators - New Book Project - 100 Illustrations - My Favorite Food...

Hi you all may already know I am the founder of 100 Illustrations and we have a super amazing project that is still open to new submissions....The new book project is called 100 Illustrations - my favorite Food and will feature the work of 100 Illustrators and Artists from around the world depicting what they deem as their favorite food.....

I have a lot of favorites....but one of my favorite things to eat is Chicago Style Stuffed Pizza!!! yummy!!!

What is your favorite food?

I want to extend an invitation to all of my Illustrator friends that are out there so please join our project!!! I love seeing all of the food submissions that come in.....

For details you can head over to our blog can also see some sneak peeks of food pieces that have been submitted and get all of the files specifications....I think this book will be a huge success....

Happy Wednesday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!


  1. Hi Diana,

    How wonderful the submission of pizza, is for your favourite food book project.
    I am sure your dinner party was a big success with the desserts - they look delicious.

    Happy day

  2. Oh wow we don't have pizzas like that in the UK.....yummy x

  3. What a cool project!
    And of course it will be a success you are hosting it!
    Yummy pizza dear (both)

  4. Humm ! Si je devais choisir entre la photo et le fabuleux dessin de ton plat préféré, j'opterais pour le dessin qui me paraît encore plus appétissant...
    Si je devais te révéler mon plat favori il serait sucré car j'ai une fâcheuse tendance à préférer le sucré au salé ! Alors je serais une religieuse ou une bonne tarte aux fraises avec des petits bouts de pâte à pistache...
    Même de bonnes tartines de confiture maison... hum! (malheureusement je suis allergique au gluten, alors cela réduit ma gourmandise!)
    J'adore la ratatouille ! parce qu'il y a plein de couleurs, de senteurs et de soleil dans ce plat !
    Gros bisous à toi ma chère Diana.

  5. Peut-être que je vais participer à cette proposition... bien que je me sente nulle et peut-être incapable de faire une telle peinture!
    gros bisous

  6. Hi Diana~

    I'll participate if you'd like! I already have an illustration that would be well suited, AND it's my favorite food!


  7. Hi Diana! ^_^ I would love to participate in this. I already have an idea brewing up in my mind...although finding a true favorite food is hard, I like lot of things. ^_^

  8. Oh how lovely and yummy this looks.
    I am curious to see your other favourite food too

  9. How yummy this looks. It´s wonderful, I can´t wait to see your other favourite food.
    Have a great weekend

  10. Yummy pizza! :)
    I must reaaly start to think about drawing some food.... :)

  11. I SO need to get you my submissions! Unless I can use Morris?! ;)

    Hugs to you.



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