Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Who says you need snow to make a snowman!

I was out shopping today and found a cool project to work on.....so here he is....my lantern snowman!!! I had to add some of my favorite green to him so he would fit in with all of our decorations this year!!!

Update!!!! When Cole came home from school....we decided to add some lights to the inside....and now it is even more magical at night......we just need to take a better photo to share....but here it is...

It is rainy and windy here .....but inside we have the fire going and a snowman that will last all year long....
just like the snowman in one of our favorite read these days...

Snowmen all Year ...it is such a fun book to read and I love the work of Author Caralyn Buehner and  Illustrator Mark Buehner.....

I am surprising Cole with this special lantern snowman that is hanging in our kitchen.....We both love snowmen....and this one won't melt.....so I can't wait to see his reaction after school!!!!

I also had a request on my Facebook Page about these special treat boxes...so here is the updated link to the template....

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!! and Happy Creating!



  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    oh my gosh thats such a great idea, what would we do without creative minds like yours,, beautiful idea!

  2. OMG! How CUTE is this guy???? I'll bet that Cole just LOVEs him to pieces, and he's sure to bring a smile to all of your visitors all winter too! Just saw your PDF for the cupcake ornaments, Diana. It's BRILLIANT!!! Thank you so much for sharing! ♥ Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. What a creative idea!

  4. BRILLIANT! He is Wonderful!!
    Sandra Evertson

  5. i just love snowmen... so cheerful, and rolly polly... they remind me of being a child. :)

    and that treat box is just adorable!

  6. Both snowmen are perfect! Thanks for sharing. That treat box is the sweetest.

  7. Anonymous8:36 PM

    OMG Diana! I just love the snowman you made out of paper lanterns! I am thinking of making one myself now too! You have such a beautiful mind!

  8. What a fantastic project! And I love Cole's snowman! That's special!

  9. Tu as toujours des idées si ingénieuses ma chère Diana!!! et pour moi qu'il n'y ait pas de neige me convient tout à fait!!!...
    Ton dernier petit bonhomme de neige est absolument adorable.
    Je t'envoie de gros bisous de Bretagne.


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