Friday, July 31, 2009

Illustration Friday - Modify

I don't know about you...but when I was growing up I used to modify each and every one of my Mom even kept some of the ones that survived so she could show me them....From marker make-up to new hair nail polish lipstick to clothing design....oh what fun we had!!!

This week's theme on IF is "modify" and the first thing that popped into my head was my doll memories....thanks for popping by!!!


Thursday, July 30, 2009

My cupcake card gets featured!

Hi Everyone....Pop by this treasury and leave us some love....I love the way treasuries look...and this one is all about colour!


Theme Thursday - 4x4 and Inspire me Thursday "Holes"

Hi Everyone....I used my original Victorian Collage pieces to make this 4X4 for Theme Thursday and Inspire me Thursday this ....I hope you enjoy this....the theme is open on Theme Thursday and on Inspire me Thursday the theme is holes...perfect lace with delicate holes.... join in and have some creative fun!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Victorian Ladies I, II, and III....check out my latest collage sheets!

Hi Everyone....I had so much fun on vacation creating these wonderful Victorian Ladies...I have the originals available but wanted to do more with I added to my digital collage section and created these sheets that can be used for all kinds of fun projects....
:::::PERFECT FOR:::::*scrap booking*stickers*paper crafts*small scale commercial products ETC

If you want to check them out you can click on the pics and head to my shop!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm back!!! and I have so much to share with you all.....and can't wait to catch up with you....

Hi Everyone....I have missed you all so much and can't wait to catch up with you....I have been away on a secluded vacation....I have worked on my vacation because art never really feels like work to is a way to feed the soul....I have so much news to tell you all...I have just finished all the work for my book that will be coming out soon!!! I am so excited as it is a manuscript that is dear to my heart....I can't wait to share more with you all....

I also have another book coming out soon with author Carla Burke...I am very excited about this project too!!!!

I have also created some original miniature paintings of women (like the lady above) and am addicted to creating miniature pieces now....they are so portable and so much fun to create....while I was away I was not connected to the world in any way and it was a nice break....I am back now and can't wait to check out all your blogs to see what you have been up to!!!!

I will post more work as the days pass and thank you all for popping in and leaving your comments on my scheduled posts!!! I love that you can schedule posts here.....I didn't want to leave my blog with no activity!!!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

You say tomatoe and I say tomato....

Oh I love growing and enjoying fresh picked is a new watercolour that I created as inspired by a big red juicy tomatoe!!!
Have a wonderful day....

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Paris Spring Cherry Blossoms.....

Hi Everyone...I know I have been showing a lot of my latest watercolours...I hope you don't mind....I am hoping to have two major projects done by the time you see this last scheduled post so I can come up for air again!!!
This piece reminds me of some wonderful cherry blossoms that come up each spring...they are always breathtaking and should be remembered....
Have a wonderful day!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A rose is a rose by any other name....

This seems to be the season for roses to flourish and the weather has been just right this year....I am so happy when I see a rose...there are so many layers of beauty....I hope you enjoy this watercolour and ink piece.....

Have a wonderful day!!!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mushrooms anyone?

I know you're thinking that mushrooms are so boring...but they are so wonderful...and a perfect inspiration...with their shape.....Here is another piece I would love to share with you....

Have a wonderful day!!!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yellow Pepper

Once I started with the vegetables I had to do a yellow pepper...I love the way they look and I love the fact that they are packed with vitamin C....
I will visit you all when I come up for air....
Hope you have a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hi Everyone....

As I am off-line getting two books all ready for release.... I thought I would show you all some of my latest work....
I created a whole series of pieces that were inspired by food....vegetables and plant is my tasty Artichoke watercolour....

I will pop by and visit you all when I get a chance....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Brad!!! and Mixed Media Monday - Charming Junk and some garden shots....

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband Brad and the greatest Daddy to our son Cole...You have always made me believe in dreams and I feel blessed that you always let me take a chance with life and follow my are my one true love and I am ever so grateful to be with you...Happy Birthday!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
Hi Everyone...I am working on my ornament line and this design was junk...I am incorporating my original watercolour and ink paintings for these ladies with hand molded clay pieces that are attached....making special Paris inspired bodies...when I get one that will work out I will re-post it...for now I am submitting this to MMM for the theme "charming junk" ... I am also going to create a line of these Victorian beauties for special collage sheets....I will show you soon!!!

Happy Monday!!!! I am also ading some shots of a few of our gardens...I am so happy when I garden.....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My miniature portraits......watercolour and ink....

Hi Everyone....I have been busy with the final layouts for our latest picture book that will be coming out soon....and in my spare time I have been painting each and every day....I have a new series of miniature portraits that I just love....I think they would look really neat in a large frame with a nice background....If I ever have a daughter I think I will make some of these for her room....would be ever so cute....

Well off to create more and I will keep you all posted with the dates for our next book!!! I will have some automated posts this week as I work to get everything in order for the book!!! so I will pop by and see you all when I get a chance!!!


Friday, July 17, 2009

Illustration Friday - Tango

Hi Everyone.... I think my favorite tango is the Argentine is smoking!!! so this week when I checked out the theme on Illustration Friday ...and it was tango this was the first thing that came to mind.......if life is a dance then I think my life is the Argentine Tango!!!

and now I am off to dance!!! just kidding.....

Have a wonderful Friday Everyone!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My latest cards....and all my prints are buy one get one free!!!

Hi Everyone...I love to make handmade cards...they are so much fun....and I just created a few new cupcake cards and added them to my shop....To get a better look at them you can pop by here..... I am also running a special sale on Art prints in my shop...this month they are all buy one get one free!!!


Inspire Me Thursday - "Glasses"

Hi Everyone....just want to pour you all a nice drink!!! this week's theme on IMT is "Glasses" and here is my take on it....
Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!! We love you Cole....

Hi was Cole's 3rd Birthday and we celebrated all over again with Family was wonderful and Cole had so much fun with everyone....I am so happy he enjoyed his special day.....This morning I took Cole out for a special Birthday Breakfast with me....and then we did everything and anything he wanted...we ran around the yard with our squirt guns and swam and was another dream day .....I love my little munchkin with all my heart and he makes my heart grow bigger each and every day.....

Happy Birthday are so loved!!!

I am so tired from all the swimming and fun today...I think this will be the first day I go to bed before 2a.m.....I must be getting older


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Huge cupcakes and my do it yourself kit gets featured!!!

Hi Everyone...
sorry I have been MIA...but I am working away on some more baking for Cole's second party of the week...yes I know....I spoil that cute little munchkin...but he is so worth it and his cute smile and hugs make me melt....I am taking in every single moment we have to spend with each other....he is the greatest gift I have ever received!!! Wednesday we are having a family party to celebrate his 3rd Birthday!!! I just adore him...

I also got a note that my kit was featured!!! what fun!!! Sweet Cuppies!!! yeah!!! Pop by the treasury here and leave us a comment , some love!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Inspire Me Thursday - OWL!

What a coincidence...I was drawing a little owl last week...and then noticed an owl on a friends site for Inspire Me Thursday...what a cool here it is all coloured.....
I sometimes feel like an owl...everyone does call me a night owl...and I love to stay up and work late.....
Have a wonderful day!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a wonderful Birthday and my submission to MMM this week...theme "Play"

Hi Everyone....
I am submitting some wonderful animals from the zoo....I so love it when Animals get to play and have some fun....Mixed Media Monday's theme this week is "Play"....and speaking of play....
what a wonderful weekend!!! It sure was all about "playing" this our son Cole celebrated with some of his friends....and to see some of the treats I made you can check out this.....We get to celebrate on his actual Birthday this Wednesday with I will be creating some more treats!!!

Happy Monday!!!

Make a wish Dearest son!!! We Love you with all our hearts!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Getting ready for the Party!!!

Hi Everyone...I have been going full steam since morning....tomorrow is a party for Cole...he is turning 3 on July 15th and we are having 2 special parties for with friends tomorrow....Sunday ......and another on July 15th with I have been baking up a storm...and creating some special keepsakes I make every year....Every year I make special laminated circle decorations to place around the patio....

I then baked and iced a special huge cupcake cake ...using the Wilton Large Cupcake pan...what fun...I did the bottom with chocolate ganache and the top is a butter cream cheese icing with a hint of almond....I hope everyone loves it tomorrow!!!

I also baked some yummy chocolate chip cookie pops then dipped them in white chocolate and sprinkles...I figure everything is more fun in colourful sprinkles....

and since Cole loves Spongebob this year....I tried to make some yummy brownies that are little Spongebob characters....hehehehe....they are hilarious....

This is a special laminated sign I made for the cake topper....Every year I make one and keep them as a memento....

and more cupcakes just for fun!!!

Well now it's time for a little rest...and relaxation....I am tired from all the baking and creating!!! What a wonderful Saturday!!!!



Friday, July 10, 2009

Illustration Friday - Hollow

Hi Everyone....Yo know that feeling when you're at the beach all are always hungry and your tummy always feels hollow ...empty...well Phoebe always feels that way too...but thankfully her Mom and Dad always bring a big watermelon to the beach and that seems to fill up that hollow feeling .....yummm!!!
Have a wonderful Friday and I hope most of you are heading to the beach ....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Theme Thursday - Pink & Brown

I make custom cards for people and this one fit the theme thursday challenge this week...the theme is Pink and of my favorite combinations.....

Happy Thrusday!!!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Come to my garden...and watch it grow!

Hi Everyone.... Like art I also find that gardening feed my soul ....I love taking photos every week so I can see how things are these two shots...just a week and everything is much bigger....
My lavendar row is my favorite part of this comes up every year and the smell as I work is I am in France in a field of lavendar...maybe that's why I have great dreams when I sleep.....

I also cook with a lot of herbs...and have a whole row dedicated to my culinary herbs....yumm! I grow Italian Parsley, Rosemary, Purple Basil, Columnar Basil, Lemon Thyme and Coriander or better known as Cilantrio....
and pretty soon....if the warm sun keeps on shining we will be eating our tomatoes....I can't wait!
have you ever cooked things stuffed in zuchini blossoms?? yumm!!!!
and my special little helper makes every visit to the vegetable garden even more wonderful...Cole was the inspiration for the latest book I am working on....I can't wait to show you some more about my book!!!
oh and this year I am trying out some new plants....brussel sprouts...I can't wait to try these from the garden...

Have a wonderful day and I know it is Wednesday and I usually do a post about Wedensdays in Paris...but I hope my garden took you to France with the lavendar....