Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Huge cupcakes and my do it yourself kit gets featured!!!

Hi Everyone...
sorry I have been MIA...but I am working away on some more baking for Cole's second party of the week...yes I know....I spoil that cute little munchkin...but he is so worth it and his cute smile and hugs make me melt....I am taking in every single moment we have to spend with each other....he is the greatest gift I have ever received!!! Wednesday we are having a family party to celebrate his 3rd Birthday!!! I just adore him...http://www.dianaevans.ca/

I also got a note that my kit was featured!!! what fun!!! Sweet Cuppies!!! yeah!!! Pop by the treasury here and leave us a comment ,...show some love!!!


  1. What a drling picture of you and Cole Diana!!!
    Happy Birthday Cole, Have a great day.

  2. YES! Spend every moment you can with him. Hug him and kiss him and let him know how much he is loved, that home is his sanctuary and he will always be safe and protected there. When he is 16 like my son is now, he will remember how he was as a child and you will never regret every single moment you told him you love him.

  3. Ah but I am not telling you anything that you already do not know and do. I am just restating. :) You are a terrific mother Diana, it is so obvious you love being a mother!

  4. No no no crying. We are happy. Even tears of joy give you snot!

  5. Okay as long as SNOT DOES NOT bother you! Hehehe. Eeew. Change subject.

    That cake is wonderful. Is that an individual cupcake or a humongous cake?

  6. HAHHAAHAH! Holy S! That's a new one. What a riot. That made me laugh!

  7. Dear queen of cupcakes, congratulations to you and your son of cause.
    This is a beautiful photo of the both of you.
    All the best

  8. Ohhhh gorgeous cupcake and you two are just precious too
    Hugs to you both
    June xxx

  9. oh gosh, you really make the most cute pies and cakes, everytime you post pictures of your sweet creations I get very hungry haha.
    And what a cute picture of you and Cole!

  10. yes, treeasure him, all too soon they grow up and leave home...boo hoo. boys are best! love da cake, and you deserve to be mentioned everywhere!

  11. Love the pics of you and Cole!
    Wow! That is some cake....yum!
    Ces is on a roll... lol!

  12. happy birthday cole!
    congratulations on your treasury diana!
    your cupcakes and parties are magical!

  13. Diana you are beautiful. I love the picture with you and Cole.

    When people would say to Nathan that he was spoilt I would tell him that he could just tell them that he was well loved.


  14. Oh, wow, what a cupcake - both Cole AND the cake! That cake looks amazing - huge...and sooooo good! Once again your blog has made me hungry. I wish I had a cupcake.... Hugs, Silke

  15. Congrats Diana!
    You really deserve to be festured:)
    Happy Birthday Cole, he is so blessed to have you, making him a sweet creative cake!
    You really love and care for him so much. Mother love is so great!


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