Hi Everyone....Wow...where does time go...I just realized that this is my 551 post on my blog....I am so happy that you all pop by and leave me messages...it is the inspiration I need to keep posting....As an Artist and illustrator who works out of a studio it is nice to have a connection with people on a daily basis....and you all have really made my day by coming and reading and seeing all the new things I have been creating.....
I created these happy flowers to thank you all for popping by and saying hello...it really means a lot to me and I so enjoy our visits.....
thank you!!!!This is my submission to IF this week....the theme is "adapt" and flowers to me are very adaptive.....They adapted themselves to the change quickly ...from cool weather to warm and sunny and bright days.......
Happy Thursday Everyone....
It is MY pleasure to pop in & see what you're creating! You are such a sweetheart & your blog is a wonderful & happy place to visit!
Hugs, Diane
Love your sweet flowers!
xoxo to Cole
Awww thank YOU Diana, we wouldn't drop by if you didn't make us all feel so welcome. I love looking at your illustrations & your beautiful photos, I'm happy that you choose to share them with us xx
thank you for the kind words!!! bless your hearts!!!
I'm doing the happy dance for you Ms.D Wow you have worked so hard and it's all to wonderful to see how your blog has grown! This is such a treat! We thank you are being kind and bold enough to share your wonderful works with all the rest of us bloggers. You are the best for sure!!! Good for you!
such a sweet post, diana. thank "you" for your visits. you always make my day.
hugs to handsome cole and one for his beautiful mommy.
Hello Diana. This is a lovely surprise to come in here and greeted with these lovely flowers. I think two of them already like me, they're winking at me.hehe
Thank you for the lovely posts and illustrations that gives delight to my busy day, the things you never tire of making and for the things you do outside this blog - the way you motivate and how you make people feel special.
Again, thank you and congratulations! I'm so happy for you for making it this far. It's a feat I wish to parallel. Happy blogging!
Aw, the flowers are so pretty! I enjoy stopping by here as well as enjoy and appreciate your visits to my place! Thank you!
Congrats, Diana! But the correct is Thank YOU! Your art is wonderful and your posts and comments are adorable and always interesting.
What a happy illustration Diana!!!!
Good way to start my day!
It is always a pleasure to come here nad I am proud to know you and call you a friend of mine!
have a nice day!
hi diana!
oh i love this new painting! thank you so much for sharing it with us. your posts make my day!
Happy Blgoaversary! Each post has been wonderful and this is one happy post!!!
Diane the flowers are fantastic and I think they are kind of sexy.
aaaaw this is sooo touching...love you too d.
Hello Dearest Sweetest Diana! Your flowers are very adaptable, especially at this time because it is the month of Gemini, a most adaptable sign. Your flowers are winking at me! I like that. Are they flirting? HAHAHAHAH!
Hey Diana,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog ! my new friend :) Your art is awesome!!! I hope to post some more art this weekend, so come by if you get a chance, take care :)
Definitely a cheery view.
These are such happy flowers it cheers you up just looking at them!
Aww! So happy, happy, happy. These are glorious flowers. Coming here is always a real treat. You always inspire with your delicious creations!
what a beautiful illo!
and congrats on your 551 post! it's always as pleasure to see your work!
I'm sure 551 is significant in some culture? thank YOU for your lovely shiny happy illos! they always put a smile on my face :)
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