Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Beach Post - Features my work!

Hi Everyone...I always love wonderful surprises like finding my work featured on a Wasaga Beach New site....If your not aware yet...My second home is up in Wasaga family has a place there and we have been there for many is so wonderful to get away and gain more inspiration for my art.....I thank Andrew for spreading the word about my art and my can check out the site HERE.....pop by and say hello!!! Wasaga Beach is filled with wonderful people.....

Have a wonderful day!!!



Inspire Me Thursday - Umbrella

Hi Everyone....this week's theme on Inspire Me Thursday is....Umbrella....and the weather is so warm and sunny....I just couldn't create a rain this came to mind....Hope you enjoy it!!!


Theme Thursday - Hats

Hi Everyone....this week's theme is Hats and I had to pull out this piece...I redid it with a new background and added some new colours....I hope you enjoy these women..
We all wear several hats ...we are Wives, Moms, Sisters, Teachers, Artists, Writers, Friends...and more....what hats do you wear?
Have a wonderful Thursday!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ATC Wednesday - House

Hi Everyone...I love houses...cute little places that are filled with heart....
This piece is a quick little sketch I did for this week's ATC Wednesday....
Home is where the Heart is.....
Have a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

All the roughs of my latest book have been approved!!!

Hi Everyone....I am happy to say that my latest project with Author Carla Burke is moving along....I have finished all the rough illustrations for this wonderful non-fiction picture book. They all got final approval today so I am moving onto the last illustration ...the book cover....

I am so excited about the colorful pieces in this book and hope it will help educate and raise awareness....The 2 main characters are Penny and her Pony Peanuts.....

I will keep you all posted as we move forward with our latest book!

Have a wonderful day...



Monday, April 27, 2009

Illustration Friday - Theatre

Hi Everyone...Here is my take on the theme this week! I was away for an extended long weekend and just found out about the theme...This lady loves the theatre...she has one of the most original hats ever....She just needs a special occasion to wear it....

Happy Monday!



Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mixed Media Monday - "On the beach"

Hi Everyone....what a fun theme this week since we just got back from an extended long weekend at Wasaga Beach...This is a piece I did a while back and it is so perfect for this week's Mixed Media Monday theme...."On the beach"

I was away helping with some family projects....and I also managed to finish all the rough pages of my latest children's book....I always get more inspiration after seeing a beautiful they head off for approval!!!

Have a wonderful Monday!!!


Friday, April 24, 2009

"I spy a Dragonfly" feature

Hi Everyone...

I was so thrilled that our latest book was featured on IndieNorth! I am so happy to also report that Carla and I have been busy these last months working on our next book .....This is a non-fiction picture book....I can't wait for you to see it!

Have a wonderful weekend...



Thursday, April 23, 2009

Theme Thursday and Some paints to Experiment with....

Hello Everyone....oh what fun!!! The theme this week on Theme Thursday is Famous I did some Hollywood Starlets!!! hope you enjoy this piece....

I found my latest paints for inspiration...these are liquid acrylics and they are like jewels....I will be experimenting with these and varnish to see if this will be a perfect fit for my latest body of work....the wood canvas and pyrography work....I just can't stop staring at these....

The greatest part about working alone in your studio is the experimentation....the trial and error.....everyone sees the finished product your happy with...but they miss out on all the fun learning and chemistry

Have a wonderful day....

I will be off to the Doctors to get some stuff checked wish me luck!



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ATC Wednesday - Lace

Hi Everyone...

this week's theme on ATC Wednesday is I created my first lace cupcake....
Hope it brings a smile to your face and a giggle too....

Happy Earth Day!!!


Happy Earth Day Celebrations.....

Hi Everyone...Hope you all take a moment to celebrate Earth Day with Family and friends...There are all kinds of celebrations happening all over the check out your local events and start taking care of Mother Earth....


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CLOSED - and the winner is.....GIVEAWAY!!! 250 Postcards 4x6 14pt matte (color front, blank back) from

Thanks everyone!!! The winner of the 250 free colour postcards is Indigene....

Hi Everyone....I love to create postcard campaigns to help raise awareness of my work. Marketing is vital in this day and age to help get more business your way.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to win 250 color print postcards to help market your work or even just for fun....You can take part in this wonderful giveaway that I am hosting for My Post Card offer up several services....... from Postcard Printing to Mailing Services...they make business easy....

and now for the giveaway!!!

all you have to do is leave a comment below...and let me know how you would creatively use your 250 Postcards..........The winner will be randomly selected and a post will be made announcing the winner within a few weeks.....

Here is a sample postcard I created for my own campaign....

Have a wonderful day....


Note: Shipping is free for winners in the US and Canada. Those who reside in other countries must pay for shipping, but the postcards are still free!

Digital Collage Sheets - So much fun!!!

Hi Everyone....I was looking at so many of my wonderful and tasty treats I have drawn over the years and wanted to use them for something new.....afterall I hate to see good food go to I happily introduce my latest line of digital collage sheets...they are available in my Etsy shop .....Imagine all the fun you can have creating special invites, cards, scrapbook pages with these as wonderful embellishments....
I add some glitter to them once I print them and then add them to cards and gifts and anything...they really make everything a little sweeter....

Head in the Trees - Latest wood canvas with my Transformation Series....submission to Crazy Amigos this week...

I took a photo of Cole with the piece so you can get a sense of the size....

Hi Everyone...This week's theme on Crazy Amigos is Proverbs and I picked the following saying...."A person is known by the company he keeps...."
My piece is titled "Head in the Trees" as more and more people are taking more care to transform the way we think about the environment....and who doesn't love the company of a very old and wonderful tree....they are like support for life...with the oxygen they for our feathered friends who need a place to be for so much....
I also found this site that has a list of all the proverbs....pretty neat to read through them....
Happy Tuesday!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mixed Media Monday - Mermaids

Hi Everyone...

As you can see I have a history with mermaids...I think it's because I always thought I was one when I was growing up....oh remember when we were really really young ....when we thought anything was possible....I still think like that once and a while and it is at those moments that I am my happiest......Have a wonderful Monday!!!!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Karma Award .....

Hi Everyone...
I just received this wonderful award from have to pop by her blog and see her wonderful creations!!! she is so sweet....

So what is the Karma award???These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.I would love to pass this award on to all the bogs I visit, but have to limit it to max 8!!

All of my blog friends deserve this award...I have listed 8 as the max is 8 but each and everyone of you deserves this so please add it to your blog too!!!

1. Ces
2. Marianne
3. Renee
4. Candace
5. Kathleen
6. Melissa
7. Cynthia
8. Lisa

Best Friends....

Sometimes when I see these two best friends together they make my heart melt....Cole loves Minnie and she knows it...and Cole is Minnie's favorite person in the world...or shall I say best friend....
They are a riot to watch...Cole talks to Minnie and it is almost as though she understands him more then she understands us....Adorable!!! Who was your first best friend when you were small? I think I had some imaginary friends I used to have tea with, make mud pies with....oh and all my barbie dolls too....I still love them!!!
Happy Weekend....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bathing Beauty gets featured!!! pop by and show us some love....

The wonderful Lisa from Rox& Things has curated this wonderful collection that screams "Spring"
Pop over and show us some love by leaving a comment....Here is the link

Happy Weekend!!!


Friday, April 17, 2009

Illustration Friday - "When pigs Fly" or impossibility

Hi Everyone...I am so busy this week that I can't keep up....but when I received my e-mail about this week's theme on IF...the first thing that came to mind was the phrase "When Pigs Fly" people use this to show there is no possible way for something to happen...well in my world of Design and Illustration....ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.....

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

My latest body of work - Wood and Pyrography - Transformation Part 3

Hi Everyone... I am happy to show you my latest piece....this is the 3rd in my series called Transformation.....all created on wood and my ink is pyrography....I have many more on the go so pop back to see this Exhibition unfold....

The coloured pieces will be held till they are shown in keep your eyes open for more work and within a year the coloured pieces....

I am submitting this piece to Theme Thursday...the theme this week is "Glamour Girls" and I think she fits the bill....

have a wonderful day!!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Paying it forward...join in the fun!

Whenever I bake I make some extra mini cakes for Cole to today he made a special cake for Daddy....I think it looks pretty good considering....I did help him with cutting the berries for the inside...but he put it together....

Then I headed over to one of my friends blogs and found this wonderful idea of paying it forward....this is all with something creative.....

Here's how it works....

The first five (5) people to respond to this post will get something made by me.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. Whatcha get is whatcha get.
2. What I create will be just for you, with love.
3. It’ll be done this year (2009).
4. I will not give you any clue what it’s going to be. It will be something made in the real world and not something cyber. It may be weird or beautiful. Or it may be monstrous and annoying. Heck, I might bake something for you and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that’s for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something strange.
6. In return, all you need to do is post this text on your blog and make 5 things for the first 5 to respond to your blog post.
7. Send your mailing address - after I contact you.

IMPORTANT: This offer is null and void if I do not see you post your own blog to pay this forward. This text was used from

Have a wonderful day....

ATC Wednesday - Modern

Hi Everyone....I am longing to head to one of my favorite places...New York!!! so I created this special piece as a modern take on the bright life and fun of the Big Apple!!! This week the theme on ATC Wednesday is "Modern" I hope this style fits the bill....

Have a wonderful day....


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

You Crack me up gets featured !!!

oh what a fun and colourful treasury....Please pop by and show some love!!!



The second in my latest series...Transformation

Hi is my second piece in my wood series ...the details are all wood burned and the colour will be added later...I want to keep something as a surprise for the Exhibitions of this body of work....I am submitting this to the Crazy Amigos Challenge this week...the theme is "Nature"
now I would also love you all to help me....My main theme for this series is "Transformation" and I am inspired by things in life that make us I am asking you all to comment and let me know about things that have changed you....Occasions that transformed your lives...I will get some inspiration and you can be a part of it by opening my eyes to new possibilities....
Have a wonderful day!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A wonderful way to start off Monday....

I am so blessed to know so many wonderful Blog friends....I just received this Breeze award from Edrian Tomidis that was created by Peter Breese!
In his very own words: The coveted Breese Award is given to six inspirational individuals; since most blog awards cater to odd numbers, this particular award was designed for the more even keeled folk. These six should be a collection of bloggers that have helped you, either directly or indirectly, to stay creative.

It is hard to only pick 6 of you so I added a few as a you all own this award in my heart.....
I give this award to the following people....wonderful friends who have inspired me and helped me to grow as an individual....thank you for being so sweet and for sharing your lives with me....

Fannie Narte
Cynthia Diblasi
Melissa Langer
BJ Lantz
Andi Butler
Marianne Severin

Have a wonderful day....


Sweet Cuppies featured at "all things cupcake" - how wonderful!!!

Hi Everyone...I am so excited that my Sweet Cuppie dolls were featured on "All things" what fun!!! I am havning so much fun creating these special art dolls...

Have a wonderful day and pop by the link by clicking on the photo above....and say hello!!


Mixed Media Monday - Easter

Hi Everyone....what a great weekend with dearest family....We enjoyed some wonderful family traditions and enjoyed thinking about all the wonder around us ....we are truly blessed and grateful.....This week on Mixed Media Monday the prompt is "Easter" and I created some special cards that I thought I would share here ....and I also wanted to share some sweet photos of Cole....he is the greatest gift I have ever received....I am so blessed to be a Mom!

Have a wonderful day!!!
oh and to see our Easter eggs we created you can read this post.....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Traditions - Happy Easter Everyone....

Hi Everyone....Every year we gather together to share in special family time during Easter...we prepare for this glorious holiday by creating special things that bring us together....This year we spent today enjoying family , doing our traditional Easter Egg colouring and enjoying food and quality time....My tradition is to come up with the cupcakes ....this year I was inspired by birds and I made these cupcakes into little nests with chocolate eggs....

I even added a little surprise inside each cupcake....

What are your traditions?
I love hearing about them....

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

Cupcakes Take the Cake Features my "Sweet Cuppies" they just make me smile....

Hi Everyone....I am so thrilled to have my sweet cuppies featured on "Cupcakes Take the Cake" what a wonderful way to launch these cute little creations....Cupcakes Take the Cake is a special blog that is all about "Cupcakes"....All Cupcakes, All The Time! Everything you ever wanted to know about cupcakes from true cupcake fans, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Nichelle Stephens and Stacie Joy. These wonderful ladies were featured on the Martha Stewart Show during "Cupcake Month" and I am so excited they featured my dolls....
Pop by when you need a sweet tooth pulled...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wishing you all a Blessed Easter with family and friends....

Hi Everyone...this is a flashback to Cole's first 2007....I thought of this photo shoot I did with him...and how cute and grown up he looked here.......

I wish you all a wonderful Blessed Easter....may you all take a moment to take in everything and everyone around you...and may you enjoy family traditions and make new wonderful memories...
last week I created special crosses with the palms from palm Sunday....
tomorrow we all get together for our Family Easter Egg decorating ....and Sunday we celebrate again with family....
Happy Easter....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My latest finds...and an award....

Hi Everyone....I met Marianne through the wonderful world of blogging and have been so blessed to share in her daily creations while visiting her blog....She most recently opened up her Etsy Shop and now we can all share in her wonderful art creations....I just received my package in the mail...and these are even more wonderful when you see them in person....

I also was lucky enough to receive this wonderful award from CES.....
I am so lucky to have met so many wonderful people through blogging and Ces is one of them...
Thank you so much...and I would like to nominate all of my wonderful blog friends for this all make my days brighter with your visits and you are appreciated!!!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mind Wide Open - My submission - and a link to vote for your favorite...(hopefully mine) lol

hi Everyone....

i just found this blog called "Mind Wide Open" ...what you do is take an image they give you and create an artpiece with I gave it a go!!! what a fun project... You can check out all the submissions here....and then vote for your favorite piece .....

Have fun!!!


and wow...I don't think I have every made 3 posts in one day....a busy Wednesday for blog posts....enjoy!!!