Hi Everyone...
The theme this week on IF is "Baby" and I had no idea what to do...but for some reason I had cupcakes on my mind...as I do most days...lol
Here is my take....
it is titled..."Baby Cakes"
Mommy always knew her little boy would grow up to be the "Sweetest"
Have a wonderful weekend and keep popping by ...
I always love hearing from you...
this is the funnies thing ever! It looks so tasty...but yet, I don't know if I could eat a cupcake with legs and arms!
Absolutely LOVE the cupcakes. Great idea.
I LOVE your cupcake drawings!!!!!!!
perfect, perfect babycakes...what a brilliant idea !!! love it !! have a great weekend....
too cute. the purse and the shoes is a nice touch.lol
This is really delightful and fun!
Oh my gosh, this is so freakin' cute! I love that even the leaves on the trees look a little like globs of frosting. And honestly, now my stomach is growling!
So adorable. What an innovative concept.
only you could come up with a cupcake family. very neat idea Diana
Love the pushchair! Good colours.
Wonderful take on the topic!
Sweet illo also, thanks for the comment... Best regards, Lisa
too sweet .lol.
the mom is so funny with the heels and the purse. you're a riot with these.
Nice. I would have never thought about a baby cupcake. That is what is so great about IF; seeing everyone's ideas.
Too cute Diana! You are so creative!
Have a wonderful weekend!
m & e
It's perfect! And so adorable!
What fun! Leave it to you to develop such a sweet confection. Colorful and lively.
Yummy and cute, all in one!
that is really cute. mmm now I am hungry for cupcakes.
Baby cupcakes! Definitely the sweetest! Have a nice weekend Diana.
Yum...gonna snatch them up and lick em! :) Very nice.
That's one yummy mummy! :-)
Damn, now I have cupcakes on the brain! :-)
it does look good enough to eat. and your take on the theme was great.
I see cupcakes all around me since we've met. Great drawing . . . again. How many minutes did it take to create this one? You're so fast! Good for you!
Hehe, I really love this one Diana. Very fun and imaginative!!
Diana, love the cupcake theme. Your use of color is an inspiration for me. You do it so nicely! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your talent!
Ah, my cupcake loving friend you have done it again. I hooted when I saw this piece and read your accompanying words!! Brilliant!
haha! I love it! Only you could do this with cupcakes. Quite delicious. x
this is really clever and funny. I love it and your idea!
Wow!!!! Fun Fun Fun!
How far down the street to they get before the birds attack? :)
Hee-hee! I don't know about eating those type of cupcakes...her legs might get stuck going down! :)
SO sweet Especially :Mommy always knew her little boy would grow up to be the "Sweetest" just blilliant!
that's hilarious!
Baby cake! Diana, this is brilliant! :)
ha ha this is the best, cute and delightful...lotsa hugs to you too ms cupcake!
I love your work, Diana! This is really fun.
I don't eat babies as a rule, but in this case...
Thanks also for your comment!
So sweeeeeeet and original concept! Amazing illustration with vibrant colours!
TOO adorable!!! I love the humor and the bright colors. Her heels are just darling!
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