Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!

Hi Everyone...
Wishing you all a Happy and wonderful Valentine's Day! here are some of my Valentine's day pieces...


marianne said...

Hi Diana!
Happy Valentine´s day!
I received your package yesterday so just in time to make my Valentine Day special!
Thanks so much dear for all the lovely things I won They were all fabulous!!!!!!!
love >M<

Ces Adorio said...

Darn it Diana! I stopped drinking Starbucks because the coffee gives me palpitations but now you made me crave for it! Argh!!!! These are all wonderful. I need to drink coffee now...

Teri said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE everyone of these!!!

Happy V. Day!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Your artwork is stunning! I particularly love the one with the Starbuck's cup! =)

Fannie said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Diana! Love your sweets--no calories. Thanks! I'm salivating . . . need some chocolates now. ;-D

You are loved,

Honor said...

What gorgeous Valentine's treats! Thanks for sharing - have a wonderful day. x

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

Happy Valentine's Day Diana!
I love your Valentine pieces, and the sweets look amazing!

Latharia said...

So cute!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! :D

isay said...

You are really full of love and not just on Valentine's Day! Hey! I like the bikini-really hot!

I hope you had a nice day yesterday.

Best regards

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

FABULOUS valentine treats!!

Heather Robinson said...

I'm still laughing over the Valentine's Day bikini!! I'm not really thinking about skimpy numbers like that in the middle of this cold snap. Your artwork is wonderfully humourous and reminds us of the joys of life.

Archie and Melissa said...

hi diana!
happy valentine's day!
i love your paintings!
i missed you while i was away.

Eric Barclay said...

What fun! You have such a great color sense.

Kristen H said...

These are great! I like the little hearts all over everything. They are a great touch.

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