Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valenitine's Day!!!!! Made some cute miniature 3 layer cakes for my loves!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! I love a holiday that is surrounded by Love, Hearts and lots of pink and red!!!! I made some super cute miniature 3 layer cakes !!! I don't know why but I love small  baked goods!!! they just make me smile!!!!!! I also love Valentine's Day Illustrations!! new and ones inspired by vintage Valentines!!!! so much fun!!!!

 Have a super sweet day!!! XOX

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  1. Bonsoir chère Diana,

    Une sublime publication...
    En ce jour de Saint Valentin que dire de mieux !! Je te souhaite une très joyeuse fête.

    Belles pâtisseries et très beaux dessins !

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Happy valentine's day Ria x ❤️❤️❤️

  3. those cakes look great, nice and perfect or this day :)

    and really nice illustrations :)

  4. LOVE these treats! YOU really outdid yourself!


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