Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sharing some weekend Thanksgiving photos and some very Thankful news....10 Minute Warm Up Tuesday!!!!

Hi Everyone...Everything started off amazing....we had an extra long weekend for our Canadian Thanksgiving....we headed to the Beach to spend some quality time with our family....everything was amazing.....the company....the weather....the food....we were all so grateful for life and all it has to offer....then we headed home.....Monday night my Mom got the worst call any Mother could get....that her son....my brother and his wife.....my sister...were in a very bad accident.....their vehicle was completely totalled but they walked away.....The Police that attended the scene were amazed that they just had minor cuts and injuries....they were taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital and checked out....given some stitches.....and they were ok.....It is like God took care of our Family and we will forever be grateful for that.....

There was a moose on the highway and a vehicle ahead of them hit it....knocked it to it's knees...and then they hit it....flipped over and lost control....it was a total miracle that they were safe and we are so grateful for that.....A true Thanksgiving miracle if I have ever witnessed one!!! Life couldn't be more special for us right now knowing that this ended this way....talk about blessings.....

I did take my sketchbook on our weekend away....but was so out of it when I heard this news....and have been thinking about family....so I will post some new warm ups starting tomorrow.....now I will be better and back to normal....so blessed that they are ok!

Join me!!!

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create something....you can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try it....it is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and....Sunday....so join me!!! won't you!

Happy Monday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....

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  1. Bonjour ma chère Diana,

    C'est fou comme ton filston a changé !
    Il a beaucoup grandi... Wouahou!!
    Il semble s'amuser entouré de tous ces curcubitacés.
    Tes photos sont très belles.

    Joyeuses fêtes d'avance à tous.
    Gros bisous à toi et à ton petit bonhomme.

  2. so happy for you all that they are ok Diana! Cole's a cutie!


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