Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Sweet Saturday....week 90....Inspired by Spumoni Ice Cream....

It was my Dad's Birthday on Friday and I made for him a super tasty was inspired by one of my favorite ice creams....Spumoni.....I love this stuff and haven't found any in for this yummy Birthday cake I made a pistachio cake....and then created a vanilla Stroh infused pastry cream and added some maraschino cherries....not the best looking cake I ever made....but most likely the best tasting cake I ever made....I will have to make it even better and then share a recipe card with you all.....

Happy Sweet Saturday Everyone!!! Come share your link with us here.....

Sweet Saturdays Week 90....

1 comment:

  1. Ma chère Diana,
    Tout d'abord permets-moi de souhaiter un très joyeux anniversaire à ton cher papa ! avec de gros bisous...
    Et puis à la vue de ton gâteau, il en a de la chance avec sa fille !... Il a l'air "super bon"! je suppose que ton filston a dû se régaler aussi !
    Je vous fais de gros bisous à tous.
    Bon weekend.


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