Sunday, December 23, 2012

How sweet is this!!! My Art on a Window....Thank you so much Lisa

Here is Lisa!!!  I think she did an amazing job!!!

A little while back I got a super sweet e-mail from Lisa.....she told me about her large front window and found one of my illustrations on-line that would be perfect for a Christmas in the she asked me if she could paint this Sand Snowwoman on her window and I said that would be she was sweet enough to send me all these amazing photos....I am so excited to know that people all over find my work and enjoy it.....

Thank you so much Lisa....I think the window looks amazing!!!

I also think of this song whenever I see my Beach inspired Christmas it!!!

Happy Holidays Everyone.....and Happy Creating!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! How awesome to see your design in her window. She did a fabulous job! Happy Holidays!


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