Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Sweet Saturdays Post...week # 60

Hi Everyone....I am having so much fun looking at inspiring projects on Pinterest....

you can follow me on Pinterest here.....

For Sweet Saturdays I had to share these super sweet decorations with you all!!! love them!!!

Happy Sweet Saturdays and Happy Creating Everyone!!!


  1. Oh Sweet Diana on Sweet Friday (a day late) I LOVE these too and MUST make some for my little Ehren's birthday.
    I have not been very active on Pinterest, but perhaps following you will get me moving! **kisses** Deb

  2. Vraiment adorable et plein de douceur... avec cette belle note de gourmandise!!! J'adore les glaces Diana sous toutes leurs formes et tous les parfums!... Je suis perdue n'est-ce pas?!...
    Je te fais de gros bisous.

  3. I'm following on Pinterest! Love those cones!

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Love these Diana!

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Love these Diana!


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Have a wonderful day or night...