Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Fireflies are here!!! hurray!!!

I was sitting on the patio outside and relaxing and then I spotted our very first fireflies of the Season....They make me so Happy!!! I always loved seeing these as a child and always wanted to collect a bunch in a jar to keep in my room.....Amazing how something so simple an add delight to one's day!!! Funny how they are called flies....when in fact these little guys come from the beetle family and really don't look that neat during daylight hours.....Did you also know that there are over 2000 species of these amazing!!! They are also known as glow weird is that......Many of these species are nocturnal and that is why we see them busy as bees during the night.....

So in light of my first sighting....I whipped up this quick little illustration....Welcome little Fireflies!!!

Happy Thursday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!


  1. Thank you Diana for sharing your little friends. That is at the head of my bucket list. I have never seen a firefly in my whole life!..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  2. Quelle belle publication ma chère Diana aujourd'hui... j'aime ces petites lucioles que tu as bien interprétées.
    Mon grand-père me disait : "Lorsque tu aperçois des lucioles, c'est un signe de chaleur et de beau temps."
    Dans mon jardin, la semaine dernière je cueillais des fraises des bois. Je pouvais entendre chanter les grillons. Petite, j'étais très experte pour les trouver et les capturer! Je les mettais dans des bocaux tout comme dans ton merveilleux dessin! mais sans le couvercle. J'y ajoutais un peu d'herbe sèche et je les nourrissais de miettes de pain, de lait en poudre ou de chocolat en poudre!!
    Je t'envoie une photo via mail du grillon que j'ai pris en photo tout en cueillant mes fraises...
    Je te fais de gros bisous

  3. I love the play of light and shadow on your picture. I spotted our first firefly last week. I just wish my neighbor would turn off his huge halogen light. It's on all night, and it's not even near her house. lol

  4. Oh happy memories of fireflies in my childhood home of New Jersey! Thanks for the little trip down memory lane.
    **happy smiles** Deb


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