Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday whenever you have the chance!!!

Hi Everyone.....

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend....may it be filled with wonderful times that will become memories.....I have been a busy bee getting some Spring Cleaning out of the way.....It feels great to get all organized and work on stuff....I am keeping a to do list and every time I get to check an item off I feel so happy....

Even when I am busy as a bee you know I have to take a break with my I whipped up this cute Ballerina for you today....she is a constant reminder that we need to dance and enjoy the sweet things life has to I hope you all dance today and enjoy something that makes you smile....

I am sharing her with all of my super talented Sunday Sketch friends....oh and please pop back when she will be in colour....

Happy Sunday and Happy Creating Everyone!!


  1. don't you just love being able to check things off the to-do list!?! love your ballerina-- can't wait to see the colorful version! xoxo

  2. Molly!!! I do love it....I feel so good when I get things done!!!!

  3. Diana dear any chance you could pop over and take care of my autumn cleaning... I promise to cheer you on an make you many cups of tea... and then I would also get to ask you about how you make gorgeous work after gorgeous work... can't wait to see her in colour...xx

  4. Tracey!!!!!! I would love to help out and drink tea on breaks with you! I would do it just so I could see you work on your art! Thanks for being so sweet!

  5. Pretty ballerina, can't wait to see her coloured in!

  6. we await her in colour! apropos we are right in the middle of competition season!

  7. hello Diana,
    your ballerina is lovely as can be.
    i love to dance and have been taking the Waltz classes the last couple weeks. fun.

  8. Hi Diana,
    I've spent most of this week cleaning out my parents Attic... grrr... I could do with a cleaning fairy... great job.. :)

  9. A delightful dancer.

  10. Diana, she looks incredibly lovely. Love her precious slippers and such. Well done...and hurry up and colour her! :) tee hee Hugs

  11. I just don't dance but she is lovely! I'll dance with her in my head!

  12. Hi Diana,

    I love your sweet ballerina, and can just see her dancing and doing twirls.
    Look forward to seeing her in colour.
    Your new profile photo is lovely.

    Happy new week


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