Friday, April 13, 2012

Paint Party Friday.....look at the cute visitor in our Garden......

Hi Everyone......

We were so super thrilled when we walked outside and kept seeing these two doves.....they are always around and our son loves them.....then one day I was outside and noticed that they hung around one of our old spiral evergreens and saw this cute little dove peeking at me from the bush...

I then looked a little harder and found that they have one egg in a cute little nest in our we are thrilled to have these new guests visiting us while they grow their family.....

and they inspired my latest ink and watercolour painting that I am sharing with all of my talented friends over at Paint Party Friday.....I hope you all take a moment to look around at all of the amazing art links on that special blog.....

Happy Friday Everyone....and Happy Creating!!!


  1. wow your bird is amazing Diana and love the background as well. Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. Lovely picture! Very well done and realistic looking!

  3. Oh Diana, I am certain Mrs. Dove is ever so happy with your portrait of her!!! And no, she doesn't look fat at all! **kisskiss** Deb

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    beautiful Dove, they tend to lay their eggs in strangest places sometimes, like the brae carpet on our balcony!!! You mastered this Dove!

  5. What a lovely painting! How wonderful to have the Doves nesting where you can see. Hopefully you'll have a baby dove to paint soon. Happy PPF!

  6. Hi Diana, gorgeous painting...they are funny birds. We have one that is trying to move into our house. She didn't like the bulbs I planted in the tubs on the terrace and dug them up... Hope she likes pansies... :)

  7. That bird is just wonderful... your line work is really perfect and how exciting for your son to watch the egg hatch... love the surprises you find in your garden...xx

  8. Anonymous3:15 AM

    yoyr painting is gorgeous, very realistic. These are beautiful birds and exciting for your son to see nature in action!

  9. Too sweet, you really captured the visitor to the garden so well :)

  10. Beautiful photos and an even more amazing painting! :) Love it!

  11. Oh how fun to have a couple nesting there! Your artwork is a lovely tribute to nature and the sweet family!! Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  12. Wow, you caught the dove perfectly in your painting. It's so beautiful. Your little boy is going to love watching that baby bird.

  13. Your bird painting is soooo good! Thank you also for the wonderful photos of the doves. i love the sound they make,"coo,coo,coo". There are always two together.

  14. GORGEOUS painting and photos, Diana!
    Your blog and artwork never cease to amaze me!!
    Glorious colors in your painting, too!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  15. Dove painting is awesome ~ love it and the background as well ~ Photos excellent ~ what a gift to have them so near ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  16. I cannot put into words what I feel about your painting. You capture the essence of the bird so beautifully. . . it brings back memories of living on the Intracoastal and a pair of doves would sun on our hose. When their 2 babies came along and were a bit bigger (out of the nest), they would drop them off for us to watch. Such great and amazing long ago memories. Thank you for sharing the painting and those great pictures. Blessings, Janet PPF

  17. What a beautiful painting- how awesome that y our inspiration flew in for you!!!

  18. Very sweet and wonderful, both your lovely painting and the photographs!

  19. Lovely painting, and the photo of the dove with all his feathers puffed up is adorable!

  20. O my god, that is so precious --- love the lovely painting as well! we see dove our way a bit as well

  21. Oh, I love it!! We have doves hanging around the garden all the time and I am sure they are nesting somewhere close. I am super excited about the bluebirds that have moved into the bluebird house this year!! Your painting is gorgeous - love the colors you chose... Hugs, Silke

  22. Your little visitors are really cute and your drawing is perfect
    have a great weekend

  23. Nice job Diana! The painting is really lovely.

  24. there is nothing better to paint then nature...and your painting is wonderful.

  25. Your painting is fantastic and it's exciting that you will be able watch the family grow :0)

  26. What a gorgeous watercolor Diana!! And those photos... too precious. How exciting to get such visitors around your home.
    I can just imagine how thrilled your son must have been. Beautiful painting... xoxo

  27. How lovely! Beautiful background you painted too!

  28. i would certainly be thrilled to if i had this gorgeous visitor. and your painting captures her wonderfully! beautiful! thank you for sharing, a blessed Easter season to you! peggy aplSEEDS

  29. What a beautiful image you share here! This is one thing I definitely love about Spring, the birds!

  30. that dove is so peaceful and pretty. I am in awe of your artistic talents all the time . I love to see what you create every PP Friday

    - KAT -

  31. Hi Diana, your birds are beautiful, what kind of painting is it that you are using? Are you going to paint the others to?


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