Monday, January 16, 2012

Cake Decorating Class week II - Decorating our first cake in class....what fun!

Hi Everyone!!! I am having such a great time at Cake Decorating we learned all about technique and decorated our first cake in is a very simple design ....but it was so much fun....

If you can take a cake decorating class with some friends it is a wonderful way to learn and enjoy some fun times together.....

I am a very good baker....but never focused on the decorating so this class is exactly what I need to make my cakes pretty!!!!

For today's class I baked a double chocolate cake.....from scratch and made a Chocolate Mint pudding for the middle....and then added mint to my icing....I love Chocolate and Mint....but I am not having any cake for a my boys will be enjoying all of these treats I bring home from class.....

Happy Monday Everyone!!! and Happy Creating!!!!


  1. Oh my....yummo! And what a fantastic job you did decorating it. :-)

  2. those lucky boys...yum! Chocolate cake's my favourite.

  3. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I am so glad thst you are enjoying cake decorating class..couldn't have pick a better person to do it with! Hugs Linda

  4. Diana,

    I have always wanted to do this. Looks like fun....great job!


  5. Un véritable régal des yeux... avant de devenir celui des papilles!...
    Tu as dû prendre beaucoup de plaisir à partager ce temps avec les enfants...
    Je te fais de gros bisous ma chère Diana. Le résultat est concluant.

  6. Great skills, the cake looks so yum!


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